"I told you, I'm not getting on that plane."
His bottom lip curled playfully.
"Don't do that."
He took her hands and swung them slowly, pulling her towards him.
"I can't..."
But her protests went unheard and before she knew it he had her right where he wanted her. In the VIP lounge at JFK airport. She looked out onto the runway, it's black shiny expanse seeming to go on forever. He reassured her, and bought her a cocktail from the bar. But she was a shaking mess as their flight was called and they made their way from the terminal. She thought her knuckles would bleed from clutching the handrail on the way up. They were seated in first class, naturally. And Rob seemed so at ease she wondered why she was behaving so unreasonably. She didn't make a scene, but it was obvious she was afraid as all the colour drained from her face. And even though Rob's hand was planted firmly in hers, she still couldn't relax. Even as she marvelled at the decadence of the first class seats.
"It's nothing to worry about, honestly. I've done this so many times it's like taking a cab. Technically you've got more chance of dying in a cab than a plane..."
She looked at him dead-pan. "Is this meant to be making me feel better?"
"I don't know why you're so nervous, it's nothing. Once you're up in the air you don't even feel it."
I'm nervous because I don't like planes and I'm nervous because I'm not crazy about meeting Kristen either... But she couldn't say it.
Sitting back into his seat, Rob looked out across the runway and beyond. He still wondered if he was doing the right thing. But deep down, it was irrelevant. He wanted to be away. Somewhere different. He felt his script heavy in his bag, and felt an awful sinking feeling. It would be over soon, and he'd be off to Canada. Every moment he wished to ask her if she would come with him but there never seemed to be a right time. She'd found a job she loved. She was finally settling, it was what she had gone to New York to do. And then another fear pricked at him. That they were moving in opposite directions. And even if he loved her, it wouldn't be enough. Turning away from the window, and his down cast thoughts he looked at her. She was tapping her leg up and down, biting her bottom lip. Vulnerable. And he thought, she had never looked more beautiful. And suddenly none of those things mattered anymore. And he would have taken her anywhere she wanted to go, even back to the apartment if she wished it. But it was too late. The plane started to move slowly and she gripped his hand tightly. Closing her eyes she didn't say a word, and neither did he. Not even when she let out a little gasp as the wheels came off the ground. She peered over him as they ascended. And her eyes never moved as they broke through the clouds.
"Wasn't that bad was it?" He asked as they levelled out and the seat belt signs went off.
She seemed entranced. "I guess not."
Curling her arms around his, she leaned against his shoulder and watched the view of the ground below beneath the cracks in the clouds.
"I had no idea it would be like this. That it could be so high."
Settling into a calm sereneness she didn't expect, Seren's eyes closed and when she opened them they were flying over California.
The heat was the first thing she noticed as she stepped out into the daylight. Ripples of heat moved from the tarmac and she breathed it in. Home...she thought. And for the first time she was happy that she'd come. Rob noticed her smile and reconciled with himself that he had done right after all. They moved into the terminal at LAX and breezed through baggage claim. For a three day trip it was easy enough to fit everything into carry on bags. Outside the terminal there was a car waiting, and Seren wondered how he'd had the time to arrange everything so quickly.
" We'll go to the hotel first and freshen up, if you'd like? Or we could go straight out." Rob suggested.
"Where is straight out?"
He smirked. "Well, I thought we could go to the beach. Or shopping, or for something to eat."
"The paps follow you around here too?" She inquired.
His face fell. "Yeah."
"Then we'll do whatever you want to do."
And he pushed her into the car hungrily and waited for her to get the hint.
It was like fresh air, the hotel. And somehow familiar. Rob smiled profusely as she took it all in. She was surprised. This was the sort of opulence he usually avoided. And then a woman dressed in red came into the lobby and she knew....she gasped and pressed her face into Rob's chest as she realised where he had brought her.
"Oh Rob..." She breathed, wondering if she looked again if it would be real.
He held her tightly and urged her to look. "Don't get too excited, it's just for one night. We'll be spending the other at Kristen's place."
But she didn't care. "Is it really?" She asked, wondering if she'd got it wrong and was just a hotel which was similar in decour.
"The Regent Beverly Wilshire? Yes. The pretty woman hotel."
She was still in a daze as they checked in and made their way up to their room, which appeared more like an apartment. They had the entire floor to themself, and the room boasted a four poster bed with views of Rodeo Drive and the most beautifully decked out veranda she had ever seen. There was a bottle of champagne waiting for them, but she found she wasn't thirsty.
"This is too much..." She said, her voice faltering under overwhelmed tears. "Never...never have I known anything like this."
He came to the veranda and opened the bottle of champagne and poured it into a tall glass. "You deserve it all."
But she shook her head as she sipped, and the bubbles went straight to her head.
"No, you're wrong. I've done nothing of consequence. I work no harder than other people."
But Rob dismissed this. "It's all lucky anyway. Like you said, I don't work harder than anyone else. I try not to flaunt the luck I've had but I'd be ungrateful if I didn't push the boat out every now and then. And if I can't do it for you, then I'd probably never get chance at all."
"I don't know what I did to deserve you let alone any of this."
They were standing side by side, looking down on the city below. His arm came around her shoulder and she slipper her own around his waist.
"Thankyou." She whispered. "For everything..."
He wore that serious face that drove her crazy. That face that was more handsome than she could withstand. He side smiled and it was more than she could take. She felt the stirrings between her legs and suddenly knew she had to have him. That was all it took, just one look. He didn't protest. As she leaned up to meet his lips, he took the glass of champagne from her hands and put it down.
He picked her up and carried her inside, she wrapped her legs around him and fumbled with the buckle on his belt. He threw her down and she let out a unrepenting giggle. Tearing at their clothes, Rob pulled his belt off and soon was naked. She savoured the view, slipping her panties down slowly and watched him come to life. He waited until she was finished before sliding on top of her. His mouth covered hers and she lost her inhibitions. His kisses were becoming all the more like drugs. Making her dizzy and intoxicated. Or maybe it was the champagne?
His fingers were long and fine, and always felt like heaven as they moved to part her legs. He pushed two inside her and she felt them fill her. He had a way of moving them, a way she'd never felt before. His technique was always guaranteed to make her legs shake on the brink of orgasm within seconds. But he always stopped before, pulling them out and circling her clitoris before moving onto other things. But he had taken it too far, and she was frenzied. She grabbed his hardness and guided it inside her. But she wanted to give him something, and instead of letting him do as he would she pushed him over on to his back and began to ride him slowly. His hands came up to her breasts and she lifted her head back. She moved faster and he grasped her hips tighter. This was not the tender love making they had done in the past. This was animalistic and purely for the quick gratification they could give each other. Leaning back with her hands on his legs, she shifted backwards and forwards faster until she could feel the intense sensations of orgasm building up. She knew Rob was close. They way he closed his eyes and his mouth parted....and then it happened. Together. And breathlessly they clung to each other, still dizzy from the heavy breathing. It was in Rob's mind to say something, but he couldn't spoil the sheer happiness on her face. He would leave it, until she said the word. Even though he wanted to.
"I love you." She said finally, kissing his face softly and wrapping her legs over him.
He turned to her and blew a stray strand of hair from his forehead. "Love you." He replied. "But....I am starving."
He jumped up from the bed and she watched him from behind, perching herself up onto her elbow. She could have had him all over again, the sight of him naked at the phone.
"Carpet picnic?" She asked.
"Would be rude not to, seeing as we're here."
God, I love that movie...She thought to herself.
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