Tuesday 22 November 2011

Chapter Twenty Two - Show your face

It was much better with the lights on. She watched his eyes widen as she slid up the bed towards him. He had already taken his shirt off and was moving towards his belt buckle. She wanted to reach for the lamp and plummet them into darkness but she couldn't tear herself away from the way he looked at her. She moved his hands away and slipped his belt undone herself. She could already see the outline of his excitement as he pulled his jeans down.
Seren was wearing an oversize tshirt over a pair of skinny jeans. She let him pull it over her head and move the rogue strands of hair away from her face. Her breasts were spilling over her bra as he grasped them. His hand moved slowly downward into her underwear. Slipping his fingers between her legs she moaned in pleasure and pulled her jeans off entirely so he could move faster. If it could have always been that way, she would have died complete. Even he knew there was nothing more heavenly that to be with her this way and have nothing taint it. But life never presented these perfect moments for eternity. They had to be savoured. And even as they lay there, spent and satisfied, it seemed as if something lingered on the periphery, there to challenge their time together.

The hotel seemed quieter. Perhaps it had just been that her mind hadn't been on anyone but him as she had arrived and gone up to his room. Even as they lay there sharing a cigarette no sound penetrated the room. Resting against the pillows, Rob's bare chest still a distraction, Seren sighed and pondered the perfection which was this moment. They spoke about Remember Me, and the tiresome day Rob had had filming it and he asked her when she would go and see Stephenie. She told him that she would, and then somehow the conversation drifted onto something else. Which was usually the case, as they descended into laughter and Rob reverted to his quirky sarcastic tone which she adored. He played with her hair as they spoke about the future, and there it was. That thing which had been waiting to spoil things.
"I'm not saying I'll stay in New York forever. Just until I've done something notable." Seren said, " Make my time here worthwhile."
"You know I wont be here much longer."
She looked at him, and she knew it was true but still there was a pang at her chest at the thought of it.
"Where will you go next?"
He took a deep breath and sighed. "Vancouver. I have to start filming the next Twilight movie."
She felt a bitter taste in her mouth because she knew he'd be filming with Kristen. And for reasons unknown to her, she felt jealous.
"Vancouver huh...." She lamented.
He sensed her unease. "You can come visit me. If you want to."
And there was nothing she wanted more. But it bugged her, all these plans they were having to make. She knew the burning question was on her lips and if she didn't ask it now...when would she?
"So if people ask me if you're my boyfriend, what am I allowed to say?"
Rob's smile pierced the dark cloud hanging above them and he was playful Rob again.
"What would you like to say?" He teased.
She knudged him and smiled bashfully. "You know what I mean!"
He thought about it for a moment. "Well, I know it's not been long but I'd like to think I'm your boyfriend. I don't like the idea of us just dating. I don't want to leave any room for anyone else to get in there."
The thought horrified her. "You know that would never happen. Not now..."
He looked at her and hesitated. But then he brushed her hair away from her face again and leaned in for a solitary kiss on her flushed cheek.
"I love you Seren." He whispered.
She returned his kiss and looked down, his hand coming under chin so he could look her in the eyes.
"I love you." She replied bashfully.

The unexpected noise of a phone ringing broke the spell. Seren jumped and Rob cursed something under his breath. It was his ringtone, and as he reluctantly reached over to his phone his heart sank.
"That's weird..." He said. "It's like 3am over there..."
Seren would have asked but instead he answered the phone and slid out of the bed, still naked he went over to the window and scratched his head in confusion.
"What's the matter?" He asked, as he answered the phone without saying hello.
Seren was not privvy to what the other person was saying but the look on Rob's face was worrying her. He listened for a moment and then huffed and puffed.
"What do you want me to do about it now?" He asked, exasperated.
Seren got up and pulled her tshirt back on, deciding it would be better not to hear any of this. She went into the bathroom and checked herself in the mirror. But his voice carried through.
"You knew this was going to happen...You don't usually get so bothered about these things, why now?"
Splashing fer face with cold water, it seemed that Rob was getting more irritated by the second. She decided to wait until he was done before going back out there.

"This is bullshit, and nothing to do with me!" Kristen said, her voice lowered as if there was someone else there with her.
"I don't know what you want me to do!" Rob spat back.
"They got pictures of me filming in LA on the same day they got pictures of you together in New York. It's borderline psychotic how they expect people to believe that's me."
"What picture did they get?"
He heard the sounds of her turning the pages of a magazine. "Getting into a taxi. There's one of Tom too."
"And they didn't get Seren's face?"
Kristen sighed. "Obviously not, otherwise they wouldn't have named me as your mystery woman. I love you Rob, you know I do but this is just stupid now. If you're going to be with her, you're gonna have to reveal who she is otherwise the stories about us are just gonna snowball. Michael's been really understanding about it so far, but you know how he feels."
Rob winced. He'd only ever met Kristen's boyfriend once before and was still undecided about him. It wasn't that he disliked him as such, it was just obvious Michael was scoping him out from the first moment they met. And if there was one thing you take from Rob, that was face value.
"I'm sorry. I know... They just need to see her face. That's all...I know."
"I know you're afraid of being asked all about it, but don't you think if it was all that bad I'd have kept my relationship under lock and key? So they have pictures. It doesn't give them a god given right to start asking you about your private life."
And he knew she was right. And that was why he cared so much for her. She had a way of calming him against his worries. She had been doing this so much longer than he had. It was like she was a veteran who was 4 years younger than him.
"You obviously really like her." Kristen surmised.
Rob sighed longingly. "I love her Kris, or else why would I bother?"

Seren gasped. Kris? He was talking to Kristen? She wanted to demand his attention, but didn't want to interrupt either. Why was it that this girl bothered her so much? She knew she would probably like her in the end, just the apprehension of seeing them together made her wonder how the jealousy inside her would react to that. And she was jealous.
"Ok....Ok, I'll sort it out. Tell Michael it's gonna be done with soon. Ok....yeah....you too. Bye."
Seren appeared in the doorway and he slipped his phone into his jacket pocket that was laid on the chair beside him.
"You hungry?" He asked.

The night was alive with cold. She huddled closely to Rob and he wrapped his arm around her.
"So...Dean doesn't come everywhere with you?" She asked between chattering teeth.
"No, just when I'm working. You noticed he wasn't here last night?"
"Sorry....of course he wasn't. I'm just not sure how all this having a bodyguard stuff works."
Rob laughed and stopped infront of a little cafe, his arm slipping away so he could open the door for her. A blast of warm air invited her in. And as she turned she saw them flashing away, and she looked up at Rob.
"It's up to you. This will be part of your life if you are with me. I want you in my life, but if it's too much..."
She moved from his arm and went to the window of the cafe and stood looking at them . He came behind her and they sat together in the window. She looked over every now and then, giving her best "I am not Kristen Stewart" face. When she was satisfied they had done they moved to a booth at the back and ordered some coffee and pizza.
"That was classy." Rob remarked. "Thankyou."
But Seren was coy, and didn't think she needed one. "I told you I loved you and I meant it. And everything else that comes with loving you. Wherever you go, Wherever I go...It doesn't matter. We can make it work."
"Your faith in me is undeserved." Rob replied, " But I think you're right. I'll never stop trying to make this work."
And even though the flashes continued outside, they knew they were hidden from the world. And would only come out when they felt like it.

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