Monday 7 November 2011

Chapter Seventeen - Taking the Lead

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stood still. His quivvering lip was keeping her occupied, and her request had got him flustered. He debated inwardly whether to say yes and give in to every temptation. Or say no and be the gentleman. Or perhaps she hadn't meant what he thought she had mean't and was simply offering the use of her shower to him? And now he looked like a complete idiot, he thought, standing there not saying a word.
"Rob?" Seren said, demanding his attention.
"Sorry!" He replied, trying to play it cool.
She sensed his unease and found it endearing. And yet she wondered what was on his mind. She knew she'd been too bold again, and cursed herself.
"I'm gonna jump in the shower now..." She said, trying to gauge his reaction.
He panicked. Did she want him to join her?
"Ok, I'll...ummm....wait here?"
Join me....please.....Seren thought. But instead he nodded and asked if he could make himself some coffee.

Would it always be like this? The misunderstandings getting in the way. The interruptions from third parties. It was frustrating and exciting at the same time. As the shower whirred to life, she pulled the curtain aside and checked the temperature. It always took a while to get hot. Removing her clothes, she stared at herself in the mirror above the sink until the steam restricted her view. She pulled a brush through her hair and brushed her teeth thoroughly. It was probably futile anyway, he had seen her now. But still she needed the feel the hot water on her skin before she could start her day. Stepping into the shower, she closed her eyes and let the warmth run down her body. Tilting her head back, she let the water run through her hair until it was wet through. Going through the motions she lingered before lathering up the soap and stood under the cascade wishing she could say what she meant for a change.

Suddenly coffee was the furthest thing from Rob's mind. He heard the water begin to flow, the distinct sound of the shower running. He began to imagine her there, her body naked underneath it. Slowly, he was driving himself insane. He went to the door and placed his hand on the doorknob. Then removed it again, coming to his senses. But it couldn't last. Desire was always something which seldom came to him, but when it did it was always enforced with more power than he could usually withstand. And it was more potent than ever with her. His head close to the door he heard the curtain being pulled back and knew it was now or never. He opened the door quietly and listened to the low humm of the shower and Seren's body moving against the curtain. The room was filled with hot steam and already he was desperate to remove his clothes. But he couldn't. He wasn't the romantic lead. Only in movies. In reality he was as clueless as the next gawky manboy. He coughed to let her know he was there. The curve of her body was stuck to the curtain, every contour revealed. She pulled it away from her slowly and leaned behind it to see him standing there. At the very least, he wondered if she would scream. At best, he hoped she would smile. As it happened, she did neither. Instead she looked at him, a little surprised but not in a hostile way. Her face was serious, but not unhappy.
"I was wondering when you'd get a clue." She said, " What are you waiting for?"
"I'm probably waiting for a phone call, or a knock at the door. Or some other misunderstanding." He replied, unbuttoning his shirt.
"India is gone for the day. I left my cell phone in the room. So unless the mail man has a package, we're good to go."
He pulled his cell from his pocket and switched it off, throwing onto a fast growing pile of clothes on the floor. When he was down to his boxer shorts, he looked at her once more before pulling them down and moving forward. She deliberately looked away. A natural compulsion as his body slipped into the shower beside her. She laughed in embarassment and tried to cover herself for reasons unknown to herself.
"Pass the soap." Rob said, as if he were asking her to pass the salt at the dinner table.
He was pretty certain this was not what was meant to happen. Pass the soap? Why couldn't he be like the men he portrayed in the movies? Perhaps not all the men he had played, but the moody vampire at the very least. She passed him the soap and her eyes widened as he ran it down his torso. There was some hair there, but not too much. Just enough to make him a true man, without bordering on primate proportions. She laughed at her own thoughts, and wondered how they had both ended up here, staring at each other, actually having a shower together in the literal sense.
She wanted him to press her against the wet tiles. She wanted him to kiss her like he had in the hotel room. How had this gone horribly wrong? She wondered, with a horrible thought, that now he had seen her naked he had changed his mind, and wished she could somehow cover herself up. But then something changed.

His eyes shifted from the ground, from his own body and moved upon her. Suddenly they found themselves staring at each other with no shame. They didn't touch, they only looked and as their stares grew hungrier, that part of Rob which couldn't deny his feeling stirred to life. Seren's eyes widened and for a moment she was afraid. It had nothing to do with what was about to happen, only that she'd never seen one quite so....longing. Her breathing quickened and suddenly she was painfully aware of where they were, and what they were doing. His hand moved up to her face, where the water came down and made them both wet. He bent to kiss her, but her longing made her lift herself up onto tip toes to meet him halfway. As his tongue met hers there was no way to stop this, even if they were interrupted. Leaning back against the tiles, she let him do what he would. She submitted herself over to him entirely and every insecurity she'd had melted away. His hands were sure, but then he whispered softly, "Are you ok?" As if he were asking to go further.
"Yes..." She whispered breathlessly. Urging him on.
His tongue moved down her neckline, until he reached her breasts. He took one in his hand and moved slowly against it. She moaned softly and the sound made him press himself harder against her. Back to her mouth, he kissed her harder and she found herself desperate to open her legs. Holding herself against the wall she placed her toes on the edge of the tub beneath them and as he pressed himself against her he could barely contain himself. The sensation of the wetness and hardness together between her legs was more than she could take.
"Just do it....Please..." She whispered.
Through muffled kisses, he spoke, " I thought women liked foreplay?"
But she shook her head, sending the water everywhere. "We've been doing that since we met."
He looked at her in the eye and knew she meant it. He took her other leg above the curve of his arm so she was fully open to him. His stare was intense and serious, and any trace of that awkward man who had first stepped into the shower with her was gone. He pressed himself against her until her eyes closed and waited for that moment.
"No...not yet." He breathed.
She watched as he slid down the length of her body, his teeth grazing against her nipples and sending her into a frenzy. She kept her leg propped up on the side, and he lifted it higher until it was resting on his shoulder. She saw him smile deviously and then open his mouth before pressing it against her. She let out an agonizing groan as he pushed his tongue inside her. Her knee's became weak. Her vision became blurry. She knew she was dripping wet, and it had nothing to do with the shower. He moved his tongue around, flicking it against that most sensitive part of her and darting it in and out of her. He seemed to know exactly what she liked best and before she could do anything about it, he sucked hard and she screamed in pleasure. Her hands went into his hair and deliberately pushed his head against her, until she could take it no more. He slid back up her body with a smug smile on his face. There was nothing coy about it, and she knew he's intended to do that to her all along. She throbbed for him to be inside her, but the moment seemed to hang somewhere in the future. The words No...not yet... hung in the air. Her hands moved down his body, playing with their hair there until she reached his manhood. Slippery and wet, she grabbed it and moved her hand up and down slowly. He closed his eyes and resumed kissing her neck as she touched him. He grew harder, if that was possible.
"Do you want me to?" He asked, his voice soft and low against her ear. " Tell me you want me to."
Closing her eyes to the words she whispered back, "I want you to..."
His fingers slipped between her lips and pulled them apart with a skill she'd never encountered before. He gently rubbed her before taking himself and moving it not inside her, but against her. He was teasing her, she knew it and decided she could play that game too. If he would not give in, neither would she.
Skillfully, she pushed him back away from her and he seemed to know why. His hand came around himself at the base and he seemed to hold it there for her. She slid down and wondered if she could handle it. Never had she ever doubted herself in this situation, but she'd never dealt with one like this. She began to move it against her lips before opening her mouth to it. He moaned softly and urged her to take more. She couldn't deny him. Not after the way he had made her feel. So close to the edge...Her mouth moved up and down but she couldn't take the full length. Instead he held it for her, and she pleasured him until his legs began to tremble and he grabbed her head and pulled it away.
"Woah..." He said, pulling her back up to meet his eyes. "Almost...."
Her lips were tingly and numb. Her jaw ached. She knew she had done him good, his eyes looked at her as if she had performed some sort of miracle.
She turned the shower off and they stood, dripping and kissing.
"I really could use some breakfast now." Seren said, stepping onto the moist bath mat and taking a towel around her body.
He knew she was trying to be the bigger tease. He followed her from the bathroom to her bedroom and still felt lightheaded from being on the brink of orgasm. As she closed the bedroom door he ripped the towel from her and pulled his own off. There was no hesitation, no thought save for the animal instinct which took over. Pushing him down onto her bed, she straddled him and moved her hips against his hardness again. Without the water, they could truly feel their hot skin against eachother.
"Would you deny me again?" She asked, her hips lingering above him.
He looked down at how close they were and knew just one movement would bring them together.
"I was just trying to make it last longer, I didn't want it to end. I'm not usually like this." He said, almost apologetically.
But it didn't matter. All too soon she brought her hips down, and he slid inside her for the first time.

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