Sunday 27 November 2011

Chapter Twenty Four - Seren's Secret

It wasn't enough that he loved her. And it wasn't enough that he seemed to care. Some things were just too horrific to tell. But it was enough that she loved him. And enough that she cared. She put how he felt to one side, and concentrated on the words she knew she would have to say. His face was looking at her expectantly. Beautiful and serious, with the slight flex of his jaw she thought she'd never be able to finish a sentence for being distracted by his face.
"It was like any other night." She began. Knowing things would never be the same once she had finished.
"Mom was sat with some of the other women, my brothers were around talking to people, smoking and eating. I was with Kendra and Dad, and we were unpacking things out of the car. India was there, talking to this boy called David. She was already sixteen, I was still fifteen. And she was...always....more forward with boys. And David had obviously been with her before. She really liked him. And I was glad she'd met someone she liked. Anyway, once we finished unpacking I asked Dad if I could go and hang out with them for a while. He was really strict, always strict when it came to boys. He always said it was because I was his only child, and I just accepted it at the time. Mom thought it was sweet. He could never do any wrong in her eyes. Nor in mine either. I loved my Dad. He was the best Dad I could have ever wished for. Always encouraging me to sing, helping me perfect my talent, bragging about how amazing I was to anyone who would listen. And then David pushed India aside, in that one day I knew he liked me more than he liked her. I never encouraged him, never was anything except friendly. I hadn't even kissed a boy before, I wasn't about to do anything with one who my cousin was into. But none of that seemed to matter that night, when we came back to the tents where my parents were. We were all laughing. India hadn't seemed to notice the way he looked at me. So I did nothing about it, mentioned nothing to anyone. Dad told me some of his friends wanted to hear me so after dinner I started to play. There was a small gathering around us, and I was, as ever, in my element. And so was Dad. But there was someone else looking at me in the same way. And until that night I'd never seen it before. David was looking at me the same way my Dad did when I sang. I thought I imagining it. I thought I was just a stupid little girl who knew nothing. So I carried on playing. And then Dad noticed David. He stopped looking at me only looked at David. He wasn't a bad person....He was just a boy....He never so much as touched me...."
Falling to the ground, Seren crumpled into sobs she could not speak through. Rob caught her and pulled her back to the bed. India charged through the door, tears stained her face and black streaked down her cheeks.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" She demanded. "It was seven years ago!"
Seren was shaking. "No....He has a right to know..."
But Rob was struck suddenly with a desire not to know, if it was this traumatic to re-tell.
"Don't make yourself hysterical!" He said, pulling tear stained strands of hair aways from Seren's face.
But she pushed them both away and breathed deeply.
"Dad's in prison." She said, still trying to breathe deeper. "Serving a life sentence for the murder of David Mendez. My Dad is a murderer. And I saw the whole thing. And there was nothing I could do to stop it."
India's shoulders slumped. "Tell him why." She croaked.
And Seren shook her head, against the horror.
India took over the story. "Uncle Silas wasn't just protective. He was obsessive. With her, with anyone who looked like her. Hell, even anyone who didn't look like her, if he was in the mood. I never said anything before, because she worshipped him. But there was always something about him, and I knew it for sure on my fifteenth birthday when he tried it on with me." And she seemed to taste the disgust in her own words and felt like spitting.
Rob looked at Seren. "And you? Did he..."
But for that, she was indignant. "No...never. He never was anything but a good Dad."
"It tortured him though. He wanted to, I knew that much." Added India, with a hint of bitterness.
"Is that why he killed that boy, because he was jealous?" Rob asked, unable to hide his distress.

Seren pulled away from them both and stood in the middle of the room, feeling her pulse in her veins and the room sway as she tried to remain calm.
"Yes. I think so. He never spoke to me after that. After I saw him do it. Everything changed. And I swore from that day on I would never sing for anyone again. And I never have until Stephanie asked me. I thought if I could do something else...something I could be passionate about I would forget the singing thing and now I realise I can't."
There was a deafening silence then. India, exhausted, excused herself and went to her own room. Bewildered, Rob stared at the ground and listened as Seren clenched her teeth.
"So there you have it." She shrugged, and went to open the bedroom door.
"What are you doing?" Rob asked, confused.
"You can leave now."
But he looked at her, even more horrified than he'd been before.
"You really think that little of me?"
"I think you have no idea what you're doing. I'm accessory or something! I could have stopped him but I didn't! I stood there and didn't move!"
But he only smiled and shook his head. "Well, to say that I'm the actor I think you could give me a run for my money. You've told me now there's no need for any of this. I know it was hard for you to do, but you didn't need to quit your singing or think that what your Dad did is some sort of stigma to you. You're not to blame for the sort of man he is. And you don't have to do that...I'm not going anywhere. I'm not disgusted by you, or think wrong of you. We all have shit in our past. My parents didn't kill anyone, but we've had our fair share of crap over the years. My sisters haven't always been the brilliant girls they are now. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Ashamed?" Seren said, trembling. "I'm sorry for...being dramatic. But it's not because I'm ashamed. Ok, maybe I'm a little ashamed. As anyone would be. But it's not that. It's the memory of it. I don't sing because the memories come back. My Dad hanging over him, that horrible glint of the knife in his hand. If I had rushed forward I think even then it might have been too late."
He pulled her into his arms and and soothed her in that way he had. "Don't worry about it. You don't have to sing. You don't have to be an Actress. You don't have to do anything that makes you unhappy."
But she pulled away and dried her eyes. "No, I want to. I want to do something."
"I feel like I never want to let you out of my sight." Rob said, "I love you so much, you have no idea..."
"I love you too." She murmured.
"So no more dramatic outbursts please, I don't think I can take it."
She laughed, and in hindsight thought of how she must have looked. "That's the first time I've told anyone since it happened. It was bound to be a momentous occasion."
"Go and make sure India is ok." He suggested, and motioned her towards the door.
She nodded and went, and Rob closed the door behind her. Pulling out his cell phone, he kept his voice down.

"Hello?" Said the voice at the other end.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Chapter Twenty Three - Three Weeks Later

Somehow it transpired that Seren finally came face to face with the one person who could make or break her. She had tried to avoid it, she was honest with herself. But Rob had made the arrangements, and spoke about it incessantly until she gave in about it. One thing she had refused to give up on was supporting herself, and regardless of her future being an Actress she knew her beginnings must be more humble. Plucking the courage up to scower the city for any job she could find, she had stumbled upon the perfect job. And as she finished her shift that day at "The Prowling Cat" she made her way back across the city to meet in the lobby at Rob's hotel with his agent, Stephanie. Rob was absent, as promised, and as they sat in the corner of the hotel bar, facing each other and ordering soda water and coffee, Seren suddenly became afraid of what would transpire. She had nothing to offer. And Stephanie looked like the sort of woman who didn't take people on face value. But she smiled sweetly, and Seren calmed a little.
"So, it's nice to finally meet you." Stephanie said, sipping her soda water and peeling off her obviously expensive jacket.
Seren shuffled uncomfortably but managed to smile. "You too."
"I can see you're nervous but don't worry, whatever Rob told you this is entirely informal."
Which surprised Seren, as she envisioned it being somehow all important. But she was glad it was off the record. She could relax.
"So, tell me what you know and I'll tell you what you don't know." Stephanie said, putting her phone face up on the table between them.
"I'll just be honest with you. I came here on a complete whim that I'd be able to do this. I never saw a movie until a year ago. I have no idea what to do. I have no idea how this whole industry works. But I have passion, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
Stephanie smiled, but it was a little patronising. Like she'd heard all this before. Seren knew how contrite she sounded. She was just another little girl with a big dream.
"You're not sure what you really want." Stephanie said matter of factly. "But there's room to grow. I can't do much with you if there's no background, no experience. Even the greatest actors in the history of cinema had to start somewhere. Even Rob started with a drama group back in London."
She was starting to think this had been a bad idea.
"I had to find a job so I could afford to live here, otherwise I would have jumped into it feet first. But I..."
She would have continued but Stephanie was already waving her hand to stop.
"Honey, I know. Believe me, I know. I came to New York with ten dollars in my back pocket fifteen years ago. You do what you have to. I want to help you, I want to give you the chance thousands of guys like you never had. So I'm gonna need to see what you can do."
She went into her bag and pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Seren.
"It's just a basic monologue. I'd like you to read it to me, sort of like a mini audition."
Seren scanned the page. It was the usual broken hearted shpeel, pretty monosyllabic. She read the first line in a low and tempered voice speaking of how she had lost her love. She allowed her voice to falter a little, as if on the verge of tears, her face contorted in quiet pain. And then she dropped the paper and sighed.
"I can't do this." She cried, still in her emotional pose. "I thought I could just come here and do this, but I can't."
Stephanie looked at her wide eyed.
", there's something in your voice....sing for me." She requested.
Seren looked at her peculiarly. "Sing?"
Stephanie was getting excited. "Humour me. Trust me? Sing....anything. We're alone here. No need to hold back."

She remembered herself on the commune humming along to the guitars her brothers played. They had sung together, and always gathered crowds to their caravans. She remembered fondly the shows they had put on as kids to the others in the commune. She had loved to sing. But she hadn't sung since.....and she blocked it out. Opened her eyes and began to sing a version of the song "Have a little faith in me" she had once heard. Everything drifted away and she was fully aware of her voice. Low pitched and smooth, but powerful. When she was done she looked at Stephanie. The harsh businesswoman had melted away, and in the corner of her eye she saw that she had begun to cry.
"My god....girl." Stephanie swallowed. "You're a singer."
Seren shrugged. "I want to be an Actress."
"Ah, but you can't deny what you already are. But you've known that all along, haven't you?"
And Seren crumbled. This stranger had brought her to the place she didn't want to be. To remember what she had fought so hard to forget.
"Why wont you sing?" She asked.
Seren took a deep sip of her coffee. "I don't want to sing. I want to Act."
But Stephanie shook her head. "You say you never saw a movie until a year ago. Something tells me you watched these movies and thought you could do that instead. But your passion says otherwise. I've known people arrive in this city penniless and the first day they arrive they come straight to the agents, the theatres. They camp outside the acting classes. But not you...Rob tells me you found a job in an open mic bar?"
She nodded, and closed her eyes against burgeoning tears. "That's true."
"Seren, you know what you are. And something tells me it's not an Actress. Why haven't you persued this?"
As politely as she could, Seren shook the tears away and said, "You're right. I put my singing away. But I can't talk about it. Please?"
Stephanie nodded and handed her a business card. "This is a friend of mine. If you ever find your voice again, give him a call. Tell him I gave you his card, he will see you immediately. And Seren....honey, you're not an Actress."

"You're distracted." Rob said at dinner.
"Sorry....what did you say?" Seren asked, picking up her fork and resuming her meal.
India and Rob shared their dismay.
"You said it went well with Stephanie today, why the long face?" India asked.
They were sitting at the table in the apartment, eating noodles and chicken. The tv was playing in the background, and she decided to use it as her decoy.
"Sorry....I was watching Tv. What were you saying?"
India rolled her eyes. "I was just saying my boss wants me to go with him to Seattle for a meeting this weekend. So you'll have the place to yourselves."
Seren smiled. "That'll be nice."
Rob put pushed his plate away. "Ok, this is just not you at all. What happened?"
"Nothing. Honestly, it went really well. Stephanie's great."
India picked up the plates and went into the kitchen, unconvinced. Rob sank back into his chair, those intense eyes scrutinising and wondering. She liked him best when he didn't ask, but the past couple of weeks she had come to realise he was a talker. And she would have to tell him, one way or the other. And not just because she knew he would be stubborn, and not let it drop. But because she loved him, and wanted him to know. And the more she learned about him, the more she loved him. And so there was no way of keeping it from him for much longer.

She moved from the table towards her room and he followed instinctually. He closed the door and held his arms out expectantly.
She put a cd into the player and turned the volume down. Van Morrison, one of Rob's cd's.
"So I never told you I could sing." She said, sitting down on the edge of her bed.
Rob shrugged, perpetually confused. "I don't understand?"
She took in a deep breath, and gave herself over to the inevitable conversation.
"Stephanie was brilliant today. She really understood me. She's really good at her job, too good."
Rob was still staring at her with that same disgruntled face.
"Do you promise to listen to me, and not say a word until I finish?" She asked.
His face softened and he went to her on the bed, pulling her into his arms. "Ok. Sure....I promise."
There was a pause, she pulled away from him and went over to open the window.
"Ok, so....You might not want to know me after you hear this." She sighed, and went to sit on the window ledge, her feet perched on the fire escape.
He came over to her, concerned and frustrated. "Do you really think so little of me?"
"Not you. Of me, perhaps."
His lips graced her forehead. "Have these past few weeks not shown you anything about my character?"
And she smiled because she had seen that compassionate side of him towards Emilie, as she faced the harrowing decision to divorce her husband. Rob had been patient with her on-set and supportive of her off-set. She had witnessed his tremendous kindness and ability to make others laugh.

"I've been singing since I was a kid. There was always someone with a guitar or whatever on the communes. But my Dad always encouraged me more than anyone. Because I was the little one, Because I was his...whatever I don't know. My brothers and my sister would always go and visit their Dad and I would be left behind with him and my Mom. It didn't bother me or anything, it just always brought it home that I was the odd one out. That they all had something in common that I didn't share. But afterwards....Kendra always said it was me they felt jealous of. Because they had to go visit their Dad and I had mine around and he was still with our Mom. They remembered when their Dad had been with Mom, obviously that was a life which had nothing to do with me. But I have memories of us all going to see their Dad at his Vineyard. I told you, and my Dad was there too. Everyone always seemed to be on the best of terms. I had no idea...I thought he was the greatest person in the world. Everybody liked him, my Mom adored him. Always he would have me sing, at family parties or commune gatherings or whatever occasion, even when there was no occasion. He raved about my voice to anyone who would listen..."
She stopped, dropped her voice as the tears descended. Rob came and held her close and she buried her face into his chest.
"That doesn't sound so bad to me. My Dad was the one who got me to go to Drama classes. There's nothing wrong with it." He told her.
But she shook her head. "No, no it's not for a Dad who is just a regular Dad. Mine....there's something you need to know..."
He didn't say a word. He looked at her but didn't speak. And she ached to tell him. But some things were just too hard to say.
"God, I need a drink..." She said then, faltering.
"If I get you one, will you stop making excuses?" He said wryly.
She nodded compliantly and allowed him to fetch the bottle of wine from the dinner table. India was standing outside the door and came in as Rob came out.
"Are you sure about this?" She whispered.
"What would you have me do? I can't keep it from him, his agent would tell him everything. And then I'd have to tell him anyway! I wish I'd never gone today! I never expected this to happen!"
India looked away and moved as Rob came back with two glasses of wine.
"I'm gonna head in the shower." She said, closing the door behind her.
Seren downed the wine and sighed.
"It's something to do with your Dad isn't it? Why you don't sing anymore?"
She was surprised by his intuition. But glad of it. She met his eyes and swallowed hard.
"We were at a new Commune. One we had never been to before. Dad had bumped into an old friend and he asked me to sing. I'd learned the play the guitar for myself, I was just playing to a small group and then more gathered. Which is what usually happened. I had about 30 people around me, Dad by my side always watching them watching me. I'd met this boy the day before. He was eighteen, too old for me. But we'd had fun together, there was nothing in it. We were never alone, not really. And for just one day, talking and messing around there was no way anything could have happened. And that night I saw what kind of man my Dad really was. And what me singing had brought about."

The tears came. Like a crack in a dam bursting. She tried to pull them in, but she lost control and let him hold her. The warm darkness enveloped her, his arms holding her tight and her eyes clamped shut against what she didn't want to see. But it was always worse when she closed her eyes. For six years she'd kept it hidden inside where nobody could talk to her about it. Those closest to her had learnt to ask. Those who got close enough would soon know not to. But not now. It had surprised her how she had opened up so quickly to a complete stranger, how she had agreed to sing for Stephanie when she hadn't sung for years for those closest to her. She put it down to nerves. But they had been nothing compared to this.
Rob began to breathe heavier. Like he was starting to almost panic. She pulled away from him and realised she had cried all over his shirt. He didn't notice.
"Seren, please. Whatever it is. Just tell me."
"It's been a month since we met. Only a month. Hardly enough time to know what we can and can't handle from eachother..."
But Rob gasped. "What?! Are you kidding me? In a month you've had to deal with your face splashed across magazine pages, paparazzi in your face....You've taken my baggage and now, frankly, I'm offended you wont let me take yours on! A month? It took me a whole year to tell Nina I loved her. I don't think there's ever been any time constraints to what we have."
And as she wiped away her tears, she knew he was right.
"Ok, you're right. Come here....I'll tell you everything."

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Chapter Twenty Two - Show your face

It was much better with the lights on. She watched his eyes widen as she slid up the bed towards him. He had already taken his shirt off and was moving towards his belt buckle. She wanted to reach for the lamp and plummet them into darkness but she couldn't tear herself away from the way he looked at her. She moved his hands away and slipped his belt undone herself. She could already see the outline of his excitement as he pulled his jeans down.
Seren was wearing an oversize tshirt over a pair of skinny jeans. She let him pull it over her head and move the rogue strands of hair away from her face. Her breasts were spilling over her bra as he grasped them. His hand moved slowly downward into her underwear. Slipping his fingers between her legs she moaned in pleasure and pulled her jeans off entirely so he could move faster. If it could have always been that way, she would have died complete. Even he knew there was nothing more heavenly that to be with her this way and have nothing taint it. But life never presented these perfect moments for eternity. They had to be savoured. And even as they lay there, spent and satisfied, it seemed as if something lingered on the periphery, there to challenge their time together.

The hotel seemed quieter. Perhaps it had just been that her mind hadn't been on anyone but him as she had arrived and gone up to his room. Even as they lay there sharing a cigarette no sound penetrated the room. Resting against the pillows, Rob's bare chest still a distraction, Seren sighed and pondered the perfection which was this moment. They spoke about Remember Me, and the tiresome day Rob had had filming it and he asked her when she would go and see Stephenie. She told him that she would, and then somehow the conversation drifted onto something else. Which was usually the case, as they descended into laughter and Rob reverted to his quirky sarcastic tone which she adored. He played with her hair as they spoke about the future, and there it was. That thing which had been waiting to spoil things.
"I'm not saying I'll stay in New York forever. Just until I've done something notable." Seren said, " Make my time here worthwhile."
"You know I wont be here much longer."
She looked at him, and she knew it was true but still there was a pang at her chest at the thought of it.
"Where will you go next?"
He took a deep breath and sighed. "Vancouver. I have to start filming the next Twilight movie."
She felt a bitter taste in her mouth because she knew he'd be filming with Kristen. And for reasons unknown to her, she felt jealous.
"Vancouver huh...." She lamented.
He sensed her unease. "You can come visit me. If you want to."
And there was nothing she wanted more. But it bugged her, all these plans they were having to make. She knew the burning question was on her lips and if she didn't ask it now...when would she?
"So if people ask me if you're my boyfriend, what am I allowed to say?"
Rob's smile pierced the dark cloud hanging above them and he was playful Rob again.
"What would you like to say?" He teased.
She knudged him and smiled bashfully. "You know what I mean!"
He thought about it for a moment. "Well, I know it's not been long but I'd like to think I'm your boyfriend. I don't like the idea of us just dating. I don't want to leave any room for anyone else to get in there."
The thought horrified her. "You know that would never happen. Not now..."
He looked at her and hesitated. But then he brushed her hair away from her face again and leaned in for a solitary kiss on her flushed cheek.
"I love you Seren." He whispered.
She returned his kiss and looked down, his hand coming under chin so he could look her in the eyes.
"I love you." She replied bashfully.

The unexpected noise of a phone ringing broke the spell. Seren jumped and Rob cursed something under his breath. It was his ringtone, and as he reluctantly reached over to his phone his heart sank.
"That's weird..." He said. "It's like 3am over there..."
Seren would have asked but instead he answered the phone and slid out of the bed, still naked he went over to the window and scratched his head in confusion.
"What's the matter?" He asked, as he answered the phone without saying hello.
Seren was not privvy to what the other person was saying but the look on Rob's face was worrying her. He listened for a moment and then huffed and puffed.
"What do you want me to do about it now?" He asked, exasperated.
Seren got up and pulled her tshirt back on, deciding it would be better not to hear any of this. She went into the bathroom and checked herself in the mirror. But his voice carried through.
"You knew this was going to happen...You don't usually get so bothered about these things, why now?"
Splashing fer face with cold water, it seemed that Rob was getting more irritated by the second. She decided to wait until he was done before going back out there.

"This is bullshit, and nothing to do with me!" Kristen said, her voice lowered as if there was someone else there with her.
"I don't know what you want me to do!" Rob spat back.
"They got pictures of me filming in LA on the same day they got pictures of you together in New York. It's borderline psychotic how they expect people to believe that's me."
"What picture did they get?"
He heard the sounds of her turning the pages of a magazine. "Getting into a taxi. There's one of Tom too."
"And they didn't get Seren's face?"
Kristen sighed. "Obviously not, otherwise they wouldn't have named me as your mystery woman. I love you Rob, you know I do but this is just stupid now. If you're going to be with her, you're gonna have to reveal who she is otherwise the stories about us are just gonna snowball. Michael's been really understanding about it so far, but you know how he feels."
Rob winced. He'd only ever met Kristen's boyfriend once before and was still undecided about him. It wasn't that he disliked him as such, it was just obvious Michael was scoping him out from the first moment they met. And if there was one thing you take from Rob, that was face value.
"I'm sorry. I know... They just need to see her face. That's all...I know."
"I know you're afraid of being asked all about it, but don't you think if it was all that bad I'd have kept my relationship under lock and key? So they have pictures. It doesn't give them a god given right to start asking you about your private life."
And he knew she was right. And that was why he cared so much for her. She had a way of calming him against his worries. She had been doing this so much longer than he had. It was like she was a veteran who was 4 years younger than him.
"You obviously really like her." Kristen surmised.
Rob sighed longingly. "I love her Kris, or else why would I bother?"

Seren gasped. Kris? He was talking to Kristen? She wanted to demand his attention, but didn't want to interrupt either. Why was it that this girl bothered her so much? She knew she would probably like her in the end, just the apprehension of seeing them together made her wonder how the jealousy inside her would react to that. And she was jealous.
"Ok....Ok, I'll sort it out. Tell Michael it's gonna be done with soon. too. Bye."
Seren appeared in the doorway and he slipped his phone into his jacket pocket that was laid on the chair beside him.
"You hungry?" He asked.

The night was alive with cold. She huddled closely to Rob and he wrapped his arm around her.
"So...Dean doesn't come everywhere with you?" She asked between chattering teeth.
"No, just when I'm working. You noticed he wasn't here last night?"
"Sorry....of course he wasn't. I'm just not sure how all this having a bodyguard stuff works."
Rob laughed and stopped infront of a little cafe, his arm slipping away so he could open the door for her. A blast of warm air invited her in. And as she turned she saw them flashing away, and she looked up at Rob.
"It's up to you. This will be part of your life if you are with me. I want you in my life, but if it's too much..."
She moved from his arm and went to the window of the cafe and stood looking at them . He came behind her and they sat together in the window. She looked over every now and then, giving her best "I am not Kristen Stewart" face. When she was satisfied they had done they moved to a booth at the back and ordered some coffee and pizza.
"That was classy." Rob remarked. "Thankyou."
But Seren was coy, and didn't think she needed one. "I told you I loved you and I meant it. And everything else that comes with loving you. Wherever you go, Wherever I go...It doesn't matter. We can make it work."
"Your faith in me is undeserved." Rob replied, " But I think you're right. I'll never stop trying to make this work."
And even though the flashes continued outside, they knew they were hidden from the world. And would only come out when they felt like it.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Chapter Twenty One - Insecurities

The carnage was worse than she'd feared. Shoes and handbag discarded in the hallway, sick in the bathroom and mascara on the walls. And a puddle where India lay, in a heap, her mouth wide open. Seren moved her face away incase she drowned in her own saliva. There was an innocuous snore coming from the sofa, and Seren looked over to see Tom laying half on it, half on the floor with his hand stuffed down his pants. But there was also the sweet smell of coffee lingering in the air and the sounds of someone tinkering in the cutlery drawer. Drifting towards the smell, Seren found Emilie pouring the hot dark coffee into mugs.
"Morning." She said in her native Australian drawl. " I thought you wouldn't mind."
Seren smiled and took one of the steaming mugs. "Not at all."
"India was a little worse for wear, we didn't want to send her home alone. Plus Tom didn't have a key for Rob's hotel room."
Seren laughed. "Sounds like you had a fun night. And...thanks."
Emilie winked and shook her head. "I had nothing planned. It's weird being in such a big place, hardly knowing anyone. It was a nice distraction."
"I know what you mean." Seren sighed, sipping the hot coffee. It tasted amazing, nothing like India made, or anything she herself could make. "You make a good coffee. You can stay anytime!"
Emilie smiled warmly and made her excuses to leave. It was already almost 7am.

She woke them all up reluctantly. India berated her for leaving them half heartedly in a hungover slurr before sloping off to bed. Tom seemed to come round much quicker, lighting up a cigarette and downing his coffee in one go. The last to rise was Rob, his arms stretching out to her from the bed as she brought him his coffee.
"Everybody stayed here last night, I'm surprised we didn't hear them come in."
Rob rolled his eyes. " I don't know about you, but I was exhausted."
She went to him and snuggled back into the covers knowing all too soon they would both have to rise. He left her with a parting kiss and promised to call her. India stayed in her room, insisting that Seren call work to say she was sick.
"She was spectacular." Tom said, eyeing the door to India's room.
"A spectacular drunk? Now there's something to be proud of." Seren joked, picking up India's shoes.
"She's a good girl. I'm glad you fucked off actually, she might have been on her best behaviour otherwise."
Seren watched him linger, like he knew he had to go but had no desire to.
"You have much to do today?" She asked.
"Audition later." He mumbled. "You?"
"I need to find a job if I'm going to live here. I just don't know where to start."
Tom raised an eyebrow. "I thought Rob was setting up a meeting with Stephanie?"
"He was...I mean, he is. It's just....I can't rely on him for any of that. If I can't find my own way then I probably don't deserve any of it."
But Tom seemed more simplistic. "Life doesn't need to be a struggle for you to deserve good things. Me and Rob decided to become actors together. And now he's leagues ahead of me. And it was nothing to do with hard work, let me tell you. I work just as hard as he does, he was just in the right place at the right time with the right people. He turned up to his Twilight audition and Kristen liked him better than the other dudes. If it wasn't for her, he'd probably be back in London playing his guitar in a pub."
Seren flinched inside. She couldn't help it. Somehow she felt she was in this girl's shadow. This girl she had never met, that the nation loved and wanted as Rob's girlfriend. And now she realised that Rob owed his success to her. He must hold her in such high regard. Suddenly she had a moment of insecurity and wished, for a split second, that he wasn't an actor. And then it was gone, like most of her insecurities, back into the obscurity of her subconscious.
"You're probably right." She said, and offered him another coffee.
"I'd best shoot off." Tom replied, "Thanks for letting us stay."
"Anytime." She smiled.
"You know, it's been a long time since I've seen him like this. I don't know what you did, but he's got it bad for you. He's usually Mr.Cautious with girls but with you it's like he ripped up his own rule book."
She wasn't sure if he was being complimentary or giving her a warning. He said it so friendly, but with a serious undertone.
"Is that a bad thing?" She asked.
He shrugged. "Usually I'd say yes. But I like you so....perhaps not."
" Well...I like you too." She replied awkwardly, the moment feeling entirely odd. "But you should know my rule book has been thrown out too."
Tom's phone began to vibrate in his pocket, leaving her without an answer. He made his excuses politely and said he should leave anyway. She waved him goodbye and watched him down the hallway so she could buzz him out. It bothered her that she'd had that conversation with him. It obviously mattered to Rob greatly what Tom thought. And Kristen for that matter. Which was fine, because it was usually her army of siblings who people had to get through first. But this time, it mattered to her more than she first thought what these people thought of her. For Rob's sake. She'd already got her answer from Tom. But there was something unnerving about Kristen. She wanted her to like her. And it was a mystery to her as to why.

Rob found himself in a high rise building, near the top floor in the gallantly decorated, yet unused office space they were using to film that day. He was meant to be having an argument with his on-screen Father but instead he found himself laughing between takes. It was a long day, with infuriating re-takes than became so monotonous it drew all the fun out of them. It was the first time he'd felt like that on a film set. When the job he loved so much became tiresome. If it weren't for the people around him, it would have been worse.

"You need do a couple of interviews tomorrow." Nick said, and Rob's heart sank.
On his way back to his hotel, Dean in the front seat, this was the last thing he wanted to hear. Not that he hated interviews, just that after his day all he wanted to do was forget about it.
"Who for?" He inquired.
"Some radio station, and a phone interview with some british magazine, I'll get the name for you later."
Nick sat beside him in the car flicking through a folder, his eyes scanning each page.
"You'll have to be available after lunch, and then back on set for the evening shoots."
Rob sighed and waited for Dean to open the door as they pulled into the hotel.
"Yeah ok, see you tomorrow..."
Nick put a hand on his arm. "Get some sleep tonight, ok?"
It was funny because this man he had once disliked. Now he listened to him in all things to do with his career.

Seren had annoyed herself by managing to do absolutely nothing all day. She was afraid to venture out into the city on her own, but she knew it's what she needed to do to make some progress otherwise she'd have no choice to go back to the commune. It wasn't that she wouldn't go back, but it just seemed that now there was even more reason to stay. She knew there would come a time when Rob would be finished filming and be gone, but she tried to think about something else. Anything else. India finally came out of her room as it began to grow dark outside.
"Do not ever let me go out with famous people again." She croaked. "It makes me want to party hard."
Seren couldn't stifle her laughter. "Don't worry, you didn't do anything illegal. Nobody got a tattoo either, so you're good."
"Good would be anything but this. I need food, or coffee. Or a guillotine."
Seren handed her the percolator and checked her phone for the hundredth time.
"Hasn't he called you today?"
Seren bit her lip. "He'll call."
"Of course he'll call. Nobody goes to that much trouble to get someone on their own and then doesn't call. I just can't believe the person who does it for you is Robert Pattinson!"
"You've gotta stop saying that like he's some sort of....Icon or something."
"He kind of is to some, you must know that."
But Seren shook off her comments and decided to ignore them.
"Starting tomorrow I'm on the job trail, not everything is about Rob, you know?"
And she knew she was kidding herself even as she said it. She'd had no time to think of anything for over a week and it was starting to feel strange that she'd put her life on the back burner. She was used to working, used to having something to do.
"You don't have to do this just for other people." India told her. "If you like the guy, and he likes you and you can't bear to be apart...and I know you can't bear to be apart...there's nothing wrong with that. I can tell you're starting to put your barriers up."
Seren was startled. Not just because she was right, but because she'd been able to tell without Seren saying a word.
"I'm trying not to. It's just that....they think he's with that Kristen girl. The whole world does! How can we ever get any peace while everyone watches? And then I feel stupid for thinking it and try to focus on what I should be doing then I get distracted because I just can't stop thinking about him..."
India thought about it for a moment, struck by her cousin's honesty.
"That's the old you talking. You're not like that anymore. And he's not Zack."
"I know he's not Zack!" She quickly retorted. "It was never like this with Zack."
"Sounds like you could use some distance. Think about what you're doing. Why don't you tell him you're busy when he calls?"
But Seren shook her head. "I can't do that. I've missed him all day. I'd feel worse if I didn't see him."
India tutted. "You're in trouble, girl."
And there was nothing Seren could say otherwise.

It was tiredness which made him cranky. He knew it has he laid down on the hotel bed and by sheer force willed himself into the shower. The heat of the water only made him more tired though, and as he stepped out and wrapped the soft hotel towel around his waist he felt his eyes grow heavy.
"Dude, wake up." Tom yelled, passing Rob a shot of espresso.
"Stop fucking shouting!" Rob yelled back, necking back the espresso and handing back his little cup for another. "I can hear you."
"Could have fooled me I've been talking to you for the past twenty minutes and you've not said a word."
Rob took his second espresso. "I can't actually hear through walls dude."
"I said you should probably give it a miss with Seren tonight, don't want her thinking you're too keen and all that."
His advice was well meant, but Rob was too tired to hear it. "I probably shouldn't do half the stuff I do."
"Yeah but, no harm in chilling for a bit."
"Are you trying to tell me to cool it?"
Tom shrugged. But it was obvious. He would normally not have needed telling.
"I don't know what the fuck is up with me."
"Mate, she's got you hooked." Tom laughed.
"She was the first person in a long time to see me for who I am. It's getting harder and harder to meet people like that."
"I know mate. But soon you'll be going to Vancouver. What's she gonna do then?" Tom said soberly.
"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Rob replied, putting his hand out to signal that the conversation was over.
He left for L.A that night. Rob remembered vividly the audition trail. Tom was always hot on the tracks of the next big role, but hadn't quite found his Edward Cullen. As Tom's car pulled away he pulled out his cell phone and dialled Seren's number. It was the first time he'd disregarded his friend's words in favour of his own conscience. And as Seren saw his name flash up on her screen, she knew she would never be able to deny him anything. And she knew she was either blessed or doomed.

Friday 18 November 2011

Chapter Twenty - I think I love You

Fumbling for her keys, Rob's arms came about her waist and Seren couldn't find them. She tried to search in the zip compartment but his kisses rained down incessantly on her neck.
"Would you like to fuck me in the hallway?" She asked, and he stepped back reluctantly until she could open the door, his arms up in mock surrender.
They were barely through the door and his hands were on her again, pulling at her clothes and kissing her ferociously. He'd had a drink, and there was an edge to him she hadn't seen before. Not sinister, but more animalistic. If this was what he was like with lowered inhibitions she wondered what he would be like without any at all. He pushed her down onto the sofa and she heard the distinct sound of something ripping.
"Shit! Wait what was that?!" She panicked, hoping India's beautiful silk cushions were all in one piece.
Rob smiled wryly. "Your knickers."He said, in that English prose.
She looked down to see the left side of her underwear completely torn and felt dismay because they were new. And then she didn't care, because she was impressed at his virility. Nobody had ever literally torn her clothes off before.
"You owe me a pair of panties." She replied cooly.
But he was undeterred. "I'll buy you a whole new set."
She smirked and then let him continue, tilting her head back as his tongue ran along the length of her stomach. She knew what he was after, and ached for him to do it. He pulled her upwards and kissed her neck tenderly. His breath became quicker as he looked her in the eye and pleaded silently. She got up to go towards the bedroom but he stopped her.
"Put your leg up on the coffee table." He said.
She obeyed and he slid forward. As he went down she closed her eyes and somehow marvelled at the sensation, which seemed almost more intense than the last time. His tongue flicked slowly in and then out and she moaned heavily. His hands went around her thighs, and up towards her back. He moved her with him as he laid back down on the sofa and placed her knees at either side of him, just above his head. She giggled softly and bit her lip as he motioned her to move downwards. She couldn't stop herself from grinding her hips against the electric sensation of his tongue moving around.
"Oh god..." She breathed, "Oh god..."
His tongue moved faster, licking around her throbbing clitoris. He sucked it hard and she screamed out.
"I'm...gonna...." She stuttered and he pushed his face further between her legs as she felt her juice run down the inside of her thigh.
She was dizzy from the orgasm, and breathless. But thirsty for more. Without thinking she pulled his clothes off until he was completely naked and while she was still wet she thrust him inside of her. Straddled across him on the sofa she moved with abandon and insanity. His heavy moans spurred her on and his hands caught in her hair. His eyes watched her breasts move and then he took one and sucked hard on her nipple.
"Oh my god..." Was all she could whisper.
Rob looked up at her. "Fuck..." He said, through laboured breaths, before he clutched her tighter and she felt him convulse inside her.

It continued through the night, the hard sex and conversations. They laid with each other, naked talking about things that made no sense, to politics, right down to the last book they read before everything became heated again. They tangled themselves in the bed sheets until they were too exhausted to move. Covered in sweat, with the sweet smell of the love they had made in the air, Seren lit up a cigarette and passed it to Rob.
"My head is spinning..." She confessed, leaning over his naked body to open the window.
The sounds of the city filtered into the room and they both laid back to listen and let the cool air wash over their skin.
"What time is it?" Rob checked, reaching over Seren's breasts to grab his phone. "Wow. Shit...I've got to be on set at 8. It's 4 o'clock in the morning..."
Time had somehow slipped away for them.
"You can sleep here, if you want to? I don't have to. It just seems silly to go all the way back to the hotel when all you have to do is close your eyes."
His free hand came up to her face and he traced her jawline. "Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Sure. It's already too late, isn't it?"
He shot her a confused look and took a long drag of the cigarette before passing it to her. "What's too late?"
She swallowed hard. "For us..."
Rob shook his head. "Us?"
Sighing, Seren pulled herself up onto the pillows and skillfully blew smoke rings, watching them evaporate into the air.
"You should know you're in trouble when it' this....after only a few days."
Rob smirked. "You never had it like this before?"
"Not even close." Seren replied. "I've had a couple of boyfriends. I was with Zack for two years and it was never like this, not even for one day of those two years."
She thought about it some more. "It's strange. That I should find you on the first day I decide to change my whole life. Like somehow you were waiting for me."
" I was waiting." Rob whispered, his lips moving towards hers. " I just didn't know it."
It was romantic words like these that usually made Seren cringe. They felt strange on Rob's tongue as he spoke them, but yet he couldn't stop himself from saying them.
"I think I love you..." Seren whispered so softly the words were barely formed as Rob moved in to kiss her. As his lips met hers he broke away for the briefest of moments and uttered the words, "I think I love you too..." before they sunk back down into the abyss which was theirs and only came up with the morning sun.

Monday 14 November 2011

Chapter Nineteen - Diversions

It had been only a moment since the Director called "Cut" and already Rob's mind was elsewhere. He sat in a corner running over the script, minding his own business, wondering how he was ever going to remember it all.
"You're in a good mood today." Said a voice from overhead.
He looked up to see his co-star Emilie smiling down on him, script in hand.
They were in a cramped apartment the studio was using for interior shots. There was too many people in one place, and Emilie was like a beacon of light amongst the chaos.
"Well wouldn't you be if you were filming in a broom cupboard with a broken camera..." He said jovially, pointing to the stressed out cameraman who was trying to fix his tools.
Emilie sat down beside him in the only free corner and sighed heavily.
"Will this day never end..." She mused, and would have looked out the window but there were only metal bars to look at.
"It'll end. Just probably not before you want it to." Rob replied sarcastically. "You're distracted today." He had noticed.
"Divorce stuff." She said, winking regretfully and flicking absently through the pages of the script. "I'm not even sure why we need to even go through this stuff, we both know which scene is coming up next."
Rob nodded. "Would you like me to sweep you off your feet or just go with the animalistic approach?"
Emilie managed to crack a smile, and he was glad he'd managed to share some of his sunshine.
"Well whatever you're having, I'll have some."
Rob smiled that cheeky smile he saved for times like these. "You will once they get that camera fixed."
Emilie raised an eyebrow. "Ahhh, I see how it is. I knew you'd got laid."
Her thick Australian accent sounded even stronger around that word. Laid. Rob liked her accent and never tired of speaking to her.
"You make it sound so....technical."
Emilie smiled. "Ah, so it's more than that. It's that girl that was here the other day isn't it?"
He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could confide in her the director came over and told them it was time for the next scene. It was as it always was with Emilie. Comfortable in each other's company, it was easy to switch off and become his character with her. For a few moments atleast, he didn't think of Seren and only of Tyler Hawkins, the name of the man he was playing. But still, the day was dragging. And when the final CUT of the day was called it was a relief to everyone there.
Rob slipped his jacket on and felt his cell phone hard and cool in his pocket. He pressed it with a light touch and it came to life. 3 missed calls....Kristen....His heart sank.
"She didn't call?" Asked Emilie, inquiring over the sudden U-turn in Rob's face.
"No...Nothing like that."
"Well whatever it is, it's got you bad." She teased, hugging him goodbye for the day.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

Seren circled the last job vacancy she could find with the weak ink that was left in her marker. She was still dizzy from the morning, and knew she'd be even dizzier if she didn't start to make a life for herself. The little money she had was already starting to dwindle after paying her share of the monthly rent she now needed to pay. It was mind numbing, all these things she had to deal with now. Life on the commune had been so easy, she wondered how people sometimes preferred this crazy life in the fast lane. And then she remembered how life had been in the slow lane.
When India came home she was mentally exhausted, but managed to find that spark of excitement about seeing Rob. She found, strangely, that she had missed him and longed to see him again. India's exuberance was contagious and her girlish excitement was hard to ignore. She breezed around the house kicking off her work clothes and floated from the bathroom to her bedroom trying to make herself look A-list.
"You really needn't go to so much trouble." Seren told her. "Rob's friend, he's like hobo chic."
India tutted. "That's him. This is me. And if there's going to be any chance of paparazzi hanging around I want to look fresh."
Seren was already formulating her get away plan. It bothered her that India had no idea how infuriating it was with the camera lenses in your face.
"Whatever." She said, deciding not to make it hard for herself explaining.
"Where are we going?" India finally asked, as if that was the least important thing.
"I'm not sure, a bar somewhere. Rob said it was somewhere in the upper east side. It's quiet."
India's face dropped. "Quiet?"
"If you want party central you're out with the wrong people." Seren told her.
"No chance of bumping into Paris Hilton then?" She joked.
Seren drew a blank. "Paris who?"
India rolled her eyes. "Thank god you're here. You really have been on that commune too long!"
And there it was again, that momentary ache for what she had left behind. And then it was gone.
"I just want you to see the Rob I've come to know."
India smiled sweetly. "You really like him, don't you? Like...really like."

It was obvious as their eyes met across the room. There was a jukebox in the corner and Rob was sitting at a table right by it. It was a real biker's bar, with Harley Davidson memorabilia behind the bar. There was a group of men in leather jacket's standing by a pool table. They raised their heads as Seren and India walked in, but didn't pay them much heed. She recognised the back of Tom's head and the blonde girl sitting beside him.
"You didn't say anything about the blonde." India whispered, like she had been mis-sold her night out.
"Does it matter?"
India shrugged. "I guess not. Who is she?"
"She's his co-star."
India's face lit up. "Oh...Ok, cool. Shall we go over then or stand here like hookers?"
Seren winced at the metaphor and walked across the room. Standing, Rob came to meet them, his eyes twinkling in the dark. Introductions were made, conversation began to flow. But Seren was only aware of the line of Rob's body next to her. She could feel her body tense up, knowing what he looked like underneath his dark jeans and hoodie. As he spoke she noticed his jaw line and thought she'd never seen anything more handsome. She tried to concentrate, but soon she heard her name being called and realised she hadn't been listening to anyone.
"Serendipity?" India said, a little louder.
As if breaking from a trance, Seren addressed her cousin. "Don't call me that!" She retorted.
"You didn't hear a word of that, did you?"
Tom shook his head and repeated himself, "There's a group outside, it's getting bigger. It's gonna make it harder to get out of here so we should go back to the Hotel."
Seren looked at the window and saw the faces lingering outside. The barman looked annoyed, and she knew it was time they made their escape. As they came to the door there were a few paparazzi, not as many as last time but still Seren felt herself start to panic. India made sure she was the first out of the door, smiling subtley at the camera's as she got into the waiting taxi. Tom pulled his hood down and walked swiftly, Emilie moving closely behind him.
"You ready?" Rob asked, taking her hand. "There's another taxi waiting for us."
She drew a look of confusion. "What?"
Rob sighed. "There isn't enough room in one taxi for all of us."
Tom, Emilie and India had already left by the time Rob lead her out of the bar. He didn't smile, so neither did she. They slipped into the taxi seamlessly but she had to turn to get inside. It was then she saw the flash inside her eyes. They'd got their face picture. And she wondered how long it would be until it would be in print. But she didn't care. She wasn't afraid, or ashamed who knew. As the car pulled away she looked behind to see them still taking pictures. The flash of the camera's glaring into her eyes until she turned, and they were gone.

There was no hesitation as Rob pulled her into the curve on his body. She sunk into his chest and looked up at him, the street lights making his face look more beautiful. He leaned into a kiss but she was too eager and moved up to take him by surprise. She thought she heard him moan, but couldn't be sure.
"Suddenly I'm not feeling so sociable." He said, between kisses.
"We could go straight up...." She was about to say something she couldn't imagine herself saying.
But Rob already had that wicked look again. "Could we?" He asked, like he needed validation.
He looked up towards the cab driver. "Can we make a detour please?"
Seren began to get giddy. "What are you doing? We can't just ditch them!"
But Rob wasn't sorry. "It's ok, it's all part of the plan to get you alone."
He chuckled to himself in that way he did, when he sounded like an innocent child.
"Don't worry Emilie's in on it. She agreed to come out tonight so that there would be one too many and I would be able to get you in another taxi. She's awesome like that."
"That's....devilishly brilliant. But why didn't you just say you wanted to be alone?"
He shrugged. "It's more fun this way. Plus if Tom is with Emilie and India there wont be any interruptions."
The cab driver coughed. "Where to?" He asked in a thick New York accent.
"Where would you like to go?" Rob asked.
But she didn't care. As she looked at him in the dim light she knew it didn't matter. For a moment her breath caught in her chest. The whole world ceased to move as she watched his adam's apple flex as he swallowed. These small, immeasurable things made her insane for him. And as she looked up to meet his eyes she knew he felt the same. There was no way to hide it, he couldn't. He realised his mouth had gone dry and his palms were sweaty. He drew in the smell of her, the look of her beside him. The way her hair fell below her shoulders and laid above her collar bone. He watched her breasts rise and fall as she breathed, and in that moment there was nothing he wouldn't do for her. And it scared him. Never could he have imagined it could feel like this. So soon. He recalled the inevitable phone call he'd had with Kristen earlier. She asked why they had mistaken Seren for her, asked him if she was worth it. She was her usual cynical self. And for the first time ever, it had bothered him. And not because of her. He usually listened to her opinion and valued it. But this time, he didn't share her point of view. If he died tomorrow atleast he wouldn't die not knowing how it felt to touch her. And that, it seemed, was suddenly more important than waiting around for some unknown amount of time to pass before it was meant to be "right." But she had conceded to him, and agreed to be happy for him. And it mattered to him greatly that he had her blessing. Because, despite everything, He did love Kristen. Just not in the way the media wanted to believe. And it was important to him that she was on his side.
He realised neither of them had said a word, and the cab driver was waiting for a destination.
"Take us home." Seren whispered finally, and Rob smiled, giving the address to the driver before sinking his lips down onto Seren's.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Chapter Eighteen - Plans

There was a sudden flash of pain between Seren's legs. For a moment she winced, but her face never betrayed a moment's agony. It was like to the pain she'd felt the first time, but without the wicked sting. It's because I haven't done this for a while...It's because I'm nervous...She told herself. But she also knew it was because he was larger than average. Within seconds the dream-like sensation of him began to make her entire body tingle. And his face took on an altogether different expression. He watched her breasts as she moved on top of him, his eyes rolling back in ecstasy. He grew louder, the heavy breathing turning into low, sensual moans. Pulling her down, he took one of her breasts to his lips and sucked slowly. Seren let out a gasp, and found herself grinding harder against him. He wasn't expecting this sudden shift, and instinctively grasped her hips as she went faster. He had never had it like this. She moved perfectly on top of him, the movement of her hips made him slide inside her so smoothly, he wondered if he should interrupt her flow. But it was always thoughts like these which alienated him from the moment. He tried not to think too much about it as he grasped her harder and lifted her up and over onto her back. She didn't protest, only held him closer as he lifted both legs onto his shoulders and thrusted back inside her. Letting out a fevered scream, he wondered if he had hurt her. But how could he have? She was moving her legs around his body, urging him to go harder and harder. She was insatiable. And it only served to make him want her more. The feel of her skin against his made electricity surge through him. The way she closed her eyes and moaned made him harder. She let him know without saying a word just what she wanted. Had it ever been this natural with anyone else? He wished that he could go on like that forever, but all too soon he could feel the moment arrive.
"I'm....I'm gonna come...." He whispered through laboured breaths.
Seren nodded. "Ok, Go harder when I tell you to..." She breathed.
He tried to slow down, he was going too hard already but Seren closed her eyes and wrapped her legs tighter.
"Go harder....Now...." She said, almost begging.
With all the strength he had left, Rob gripped Seren's body against him and thrusted harder and faster. He wasn't sure if she felt it when he spurted inside of her, but he certainly felt her as her body shook and that part of her connected to him convulsed wildly.

Their breathing slowed, their eyes opened. Seren released her legs and Rob slipped away and laid beside her on the bed. She could feel the wetness which wasn't hers between her legs and thought she would wait before trying to get up. Part of her felt foolish for doing it like that, without a condom. Even as she laid beside him, feeling nothing but warmth inside there was a voice pecking at her about it. It could have been so easy to listen to it and punish herself for it. But instinct had taken over, and her instinct had never done her a day wrong. For a moment they didn't speak as their breathing calmed. Rob's head spun. He felt like he had run a marathon, his whole body felt weak from the massive exertion. Suddenly Seren let out a tiny giggle and shook her head incredulously.
"What?" He asked, unable to shake off the contagious laughter.
"Nothing." She said, " It's just...that was...."
But she couldn't find the words. Instead he offered her to come and lay in his arms and as she moved into the curve of his body she was fully aware of it now. She noticed the hair was soft and fine and couldn't resist running her fingertips through it.
"Feels like I've just done a full day at the gym." Rob mused, sighing deeply.
She began to notice a dull ache around her thighs where she had been wrapped around him and shared the sentiment.
"I don't even have the energy to get ready for breakfast." She confessed. "I could make toast?"
"No, don't move. Stay here." He protested when she would have risen from the bed.
"You're a dark horse." She said, allowing him to trace small lines down the curve of her back.
"How?" He asked.
"Well.... You're a fucking tease for starters."
He laughed softly and shook his head. "I told you, I'm not usually like that I just didn't want to get into it and then it be over in 30 seconds. It's....been a while...."
"How long is a while?" She inquired.
He sighed. "I don't know exactly. Nothing since Nina really. Nothing like that anyway. You?"
She recalled Ben. His dread locks and tree smell, and how she had thought she loved him entirely until he had his wicked way with her and then spat some shpeel at her about what they had just done being beautiful, but it couldn't lead to anything more.
"Six months." She shrugged. "But he didn't really count."
Rob's interest was sparked. "Oh really? How come?"
"Because he had a God complex and liked to play with people's lives. Shame I didn't see that about him until after really. I was warned, god knows I was warned but I didn't listen."
"When was the last time it counted?" He asked then.
"Just now." She said. "It meant something, didn't it?"
He nodded, a hand straying up to her face to caress her flushed cheeks. "Of course it meant something."
"I keep thinking this is all a dream, If it is I don't ever want to wake up." Seren said, looking up at his face.
"It's real." He told her. "Which is why we have to resume this later...."
He sat up and checked the watch around his wrist and cursed. "I have to be on set in 2o minutes."
"Later?" She said, watching him pull his clothes back on.
"Yeah, when I finish. Unless you have plans?"
"No plans. No friends, No job. My diary is painfully empty."
He smiled ruefully. "That's going to change. Your life is painfully fuller than mine. I haven't seen my friends in months, my parents are going to kill me next time I call them because it's been so long. Christmas....that's when I'll probably see them next."
"You've got Tom here." She sighed.
"And you've got India." He quipped.
"That's our plans then." She said, throwing her arms up in excitement. "Tonight....we'll do something. Me and you, Tom and India!"
He bent down to kiss her. "It's a date."

Monday 7 November 2011

Chapter Seventeen - Taking the Lead

For a moment, it seemed as if time had stood still. His quivvering lip was keeping her occupied, and her request had got him flustered. He debated inwardly whether to say yes and give in to every temptation. Or say no and be the gentleman. Or perhaps she hadn't meant what he thought she had mean't and was simply offering the use of her shower to him? And now he looked like a complete idiot, he thought, standing there not saying a word.
"Rob?" Seren said, demanding his attention.
"Sorry!" He replied, trying to play it cool.
She sensed his unease and found it endearing. And yet she wondered what was on his mind. She knew she'd been too bold again, and cursed herself.
"I'm gonna jump in the shower now..." She said, trying to gauge his reaction.
He panicked. Did she want him to join her?
"Ok, I'll...ummm....wait here?"
Join me....please.....Seren thought. But instead he nodded and asked if he could make himself some coffee.

Would it always be like this? The misunderstandings getting in the way. The interruptions from third parties. It was frustrating and exciting at the same time. As the shower whirred to life, she pulled the curtain aside and checked the temperature. It always took a while to get hot. Removing her clothes, she stared at herself in the mirror above the sink until the steam restricted her view. She pulled a brush through her hair and brushed her teeth thoroughly. It was probably futile anyway, he had seen her now. But still she needed the feel the hot water on her skin before she could start her day. Stepping into the shower, she closed her eyes and let the warmth run down her body. Tilting her head back, she let the water run through her hair until it was wet through. Going through the motions she lingered before lathering up the soap and stood under the cascade wishing she could say what she meant for a change.

Suddenly coffee was the furthest thing from Rob's mind. He heard the water begin to flow, the distinct sound of the shower running. He began to imagine her there, her body naked underneath it. Slowly, he was driving himself insane. He went to the door and placed his hand on the doorknob. Then removed it again, coming to his senses. But it couldn't last. Desire was always something which seldom came to him, but when it did it was always enforced with more power than he could usually withstand. And it was more potent than ever with her. His head close to the door he heard the curtain being pulled back and knew it was now or never. He opened the door quietly and listened to the low humm of the shower and Seren's body moving against the curtain. The room was filled with hot steam and already he was desperate to remove his clothes. But he couldn't. He wasn't the romantic lead. Only in movies. In reality he was as clueless as the next gawky manboy. He coughed to let her know he was there. The curve of her body was stuck to the curtain, every contour revealed. She pulled it away from her slowly and leaned behind it to see him standing there. At the very least, he wondered if she would scream. At best, he hoped she would smile. As it happened, she did neither. Instead she looked at him, a little surprised but not in a hostile way. Her face was serious, but not unhappy.
"I was wondering when you'd get a clue." She said, " What are you waiting for?"
"I'm probably waiting for a phone call, or a knock at the door. Or some other misunderstanding." He replied, unbuttoning his shirt.
"India is gone for the day. I left my cell phone in the room. So unless the mail man has a package, we're good to go."
He pulled his cell from his pocket and switched it off, throwing onto a fast growing pile of clothes on the floor. When he was down to his boxer shorts, he looked at her once more before pulling them down and moving forward. She deliberately looked away. A natural compulsion as his body slipped into the shower beside her. She laughed in embarassment and tried to cover herself for reasons unknown to herself.
"Pass the soap." Rob said, as if he were asking her to pass the salt at the dinner table.
He was pretty certain this was not what was meant to happen. Pass the soap? Why couldn't he be like the men he portrayed in the movies? Perhaps not all the men he had played, but the moody vampire at the very least. She passed him the soap and her eyes widened as he ran it down his torso. There was some hair there, but not too much. Just enough to make him a true man, without bordering on primate proportions. She laughed at her own thoughts, and wondered how they had both ended up here, staring at each other, actually having a shower together in the literal sense.
She wanted him to press her against the wet tiles. She wanted him to kiss her like he had in the hotel room. How had this gone horribly wrong? She wondered, with a horrible thought, that now he had seen her naked he had changed his mind, and wished she could somehow cover herself up. But then something changed.

His eyes shifted from the ground, from his own body and moved upon her. Suddenly they found themselves staring at each other with no shame. They didn't touch, they only looked and as their stares grew hungrier, that part of Rob which couldn't deny his feeling stirred to life. Seren's eyes widened and for a moment she was afraid. It had nothing to do with what was about to happen, only that she'd never seen one quite so....longing. Her breathing quickened and suddenly she was painfully aware of where they were, and what they were doing. His hand moved up to her face, where the water came down and made them both wet. He bent to kiss her, but her longing made her lift herself up onto tip toes to meet him halfway. As his tongue met hers there was no way to stop this, even if they were interrupted. Leaning back against the tiles, she let him do what he would. She submitted herself over to him entirely and every insecurity she'd had melted away. His hands were sure, but then he whispered softly, "Are you ok?" As if he were asking to go further.
"Yes..." She whispered breathlessly. Urging him on.
His tongue moved down her neckline, until he reached her breasts. He took one in his hand and moved slowly against it. She moaned softly and the sound made him press himself harder against her. Back to her mouth, he kissed her harder and she found herself desperate to open her legs. Holding herself against the wall she placed her toes on the edge of the tub beneath them and as he pressed himself against her he could barely contain himself. The sensation of the wetness and hardness together between her legs was more than she could take.
"Just do it....Please..." She whispered.
Through muffled kisses, he spoke, " I thought women liked foreplay?"
But she shook her head, sending the water everywhere. "We've been doing that since we met."
He looked at her in the eye and knew she meant it. He took her other leg above the curve of his arm so she was fully open to him. His stare was intense and serious, and any trace of that awkward man who had first stepped into the shower with her was gone. He pressed himself against her until her eyes closed and waited for that moment.
"No...not yet." He breathed.
She watched as he slid down the length of her body, his teeth grazing against her nipples and sending her into a frenzy. She kept her leg propped up on the side, and he lifted it higher until it was resting on his shoulder. She saw him smile deviously and then open his mouth before pressing it against her. She let out an agonizing groan as he pushed his tongue inside her. Her knee's became weak. Her vision became blurry. She knew she was dripping wet, and it had nothing to do with the shower. He moved his tongue around, flicking it against that most sensitive part of her and darting it in and out of her. He seemed to know exactly what she liked best and before she could do anything about it, he sucked hard and she screamed in pleasure. Her hands went into his hair and deliberately pushed his head against her, until she could take it no more. He slid back up her body with a smug smile on his face. There was nothing coy about it, and she knew he's intended to do that to her all along. She throbbed for him to be inside her, but the moment seemed to hang somewhere in the future. The words No...not yet... hung in the air. Her hands moved down his body, playing with their hair there until she reached his manhood. Slippery and wet, she grabbed it and moved her hand up and down slowly. He closed his eyes and resumed kissing her neck as she touched him. He grew harder, if that was possible.
"Do you want me to?" He asked, his voice soft and low against her ear. " Tell me you want me to."
Closing her eyes to the words she whispered back, "I want you to..."
His fingers slipped between her lips and pulled them apart with a skill she'd never encountered before. He gently rubbed her before taking himself and moving it not inside her, but against her. He was teasing her, she knew it and decided she could play that game too. If he would not give in, neither would she.
Skillfully, she pushed him back away from her and he seemed to know why. His hand came around himself at the base and he seemed to hold it there for her. She slid down and wondered if she could handle it. Never had she ever doubted herself in this situation, but she'd never dealt with one like this. She began to move it against her lips before opening her mouth to it. He moaned softly and urged her to take more. She couldn't deny him. Not after the way he had made her feel. So close to the edge...Her mouth moved up and down but she couldn't take the full length. Instead he held it for her, and she pleasured him until his legs began to tremble and he grabbed her head and pulled it away.
"Woah..." He said, pulling her back up to meet his eyes. "Almost...."
Her lips were tingly and numb. Her jaw ached. She knew she had done him good, his eyes looked at her as if she had performed some sort of miracle.
She turned the shower off and they stood, dripping and kissing.
"I really could use some breakfast now." Seren said, stepping onto the moist bath mat and taking a towel around her body.
He knew she was trying to be the bigger tease. He followed her from the bathroom to her bedroom and still felt lightheaded from being on the brink of orgasm. As she closed the bedroom door he ripped the towel from her and pulled his own off. There was no hesitation, no thought save for the animal instinct which took over. Pushing him down onto her bed, she straddled him and moved her hips against his hardness again. Without the water, they could truly feel their hot skin against eachother.
"Would you deny me again?" She asked, her hips lingering above him.
He looked down at how close they were and knew just one movement would bring them together.
"I was just trying to make it last longer, I didn't want it to end. I'm not usually like this." He said, almost apologetically.
But it didn't matter. All too soon she brought her hips down, and he slid inside her for the first time.