Sunday 16 October 2011

Chapter Twelve - Confessions

Seren's eyes widened at the selection of canope's and sushi. Suddenly she was ravenously hungry. Rob urged her to tuck in, as he took a plate and handed it to her. The platter was set out perfectly, with bottles of beer in an ice bucket for good measure. Rob ate heartily, like he hadn't eaten all day. But technically, this was their second meal together. Neither of them spoke as they savoured the taste. Sushi was a new thing for Seren. She'd never eaten it until visiting Simeon. The more she thought about it, she wondered just how much influence her brother's settling had had on her own.
"Shouldn't we be eating this on the floor?" Rob asked, as they both stood by the food trolley.
Gathering the platter and plates, Seren spread out the cloth which had come with the trolley and laid everything on the floor precisely.
"There." She said, satisfied with herself.
Rob shot her a sideways glance. A half-smile. She thought he had never looked more handsome than when he did that. And suddenly she was shy again, looking down at her food and trying to regain some composure as she ate. Rob noticed her looking down, strands of her hair falling around her face. He noticed her eyes wanting to look up, but instead a rush of colour flooded her cheeks. He wondered how she could be so unaware of her own beauty.
He cracked open the beers and decided someday he would tell her. But not today.
"So..." He began, taking a long swig of his beer, "There's nobody...waiting for you....anywhere?"
He took another swig and looked out of the window. Seren, oblivious, swallowed her Sushi and shook her head profusely.
"Oh no...not really. I mean my cousin will be home from work at like, nine...but I can always call her if...well, I'll probably be home by then anyway."
He was touched by her initial wanting to stay in his company, but it flustered him that she had misunderstood the question and would have to be more forward. It was his turn to blush.
", I meant...there's nobody like a boyfriend or anything..."
She almost choked. "Of course not. I'm not really in the habit of spending time with other men when I'm in a relationship."
And she hoped he would see that as a positive thing, rather than a put down of his request. He felt slightly foolish for asking, knowing she'd always been the type that would never do this sort of thing if she was attached. His head was spinning from his own stupidity. But she liked that he had asked.
"I have a confession to make." She said finally, interrupting his inner dialogue.
His face looked intrigued. "You're a Twilight fan, aren't you?" He said sarcastically.
And somehow she wished it were so.
"I'll check it out and let you know." She sighed. "But, no. It's not that. I'm afraid you might not like me, once I tell you."
His face grew serious. "Try me."
She bit her lip and drew in a deep breath. She knew everything was riding on this. She ached to remain in his company, but mentally prepared for him to ask her to leave as she gathered to words to try and say them right.
"Well...Saturday night...after we met...I wondered...I mean, I was curious..." She stalled and stuttered, but put her hand up in protest when he would have spoken, trying to make the words sound right. " I was thinking about you all night. But, I mean I'd just been stuck in an elevator with you for two hours...So I used India's computer and...I just wanted to see your face again. And I saw all these pictures of you with Kristen and...I'm not better than any of them. I'm just as guilty for thinking you were with her. I almost didn't come today because...well, you know now. And I'm sorry for doing that. But I just thought you should know, I don't want to keep it from you. So...there it is."
She closed her eyes for a moment, unwilling to look at his face. She opened her eyes slowly to see him shaking his head. But he didn't look angry. He was almost laughing. She wouldn't let herself feel relief yet. Not until he said something.
He chuckled under his breath. "You were thinking about me?"
Seren rolled her eyes. "I just tell you all that and you're focusing on THAT part?!?"
He shrugged. "If I had any way of seeing your face after we had left each other that night, I would have used it. I'm sorry that you thought those things. But you are one of the few who know the truth. And you didn't know it back then. What else were you meant to think? It's ok."
She was taken aback by his coolness. Left wondering why she had worried so much. He had an uncanny way of keeping calm, even in the most extraordinary situations. Rob watched her face closely. That little flame inside him was ignited, and deep down he was angry. But not at her. At the way every picture of him was percieved. How it could have cost him this girl being in his company right now. But he soothed the anger, buried it under layers of cool. She was here, she had been honest. And he had never thought her more attractive.
"I have a confession of my own." He mused. "I was meant to be filming this afternoon but I got them to switch the schedule so that I could come here and be with you away from prying eyes."

From somewhere within, a feeling began to stir within Seren. Her heart thumping wildly, the warm feeling between her stomach and chest began to spread. She stared at him with all the intensity she could muster and didn't feel stupid. How had he come into her life so suddenly and done this to her? All the boys on the commune who she'd known, none of them compared to this messy haired stranger she had met only a few days ago. How was it that he held her attention so effortlessly?
He wondered if he had said too much. He couldn't keep his eyes off her as he listened to her breath quicken. He realised his own body was leaning towards her. For every girl, every kiss he'd ever had, nothing could prepare him for this. It was as if he'd never known another girl before her. Seren noticed his adams apple flex as he swallowed. Suddenly her mouth was dry, and she realised she was nervous.
He would have kissed her, but she giggled softly and began to sip on her beer. He pulled back. Why was this so hard?
"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I've never...I mean,'s just...I've never..."
This time the words escaped her entirely. Thoughts of how his kiss would taste invaded every corner of her mind and before she knew it, she was reaching for his face.
His hand ran through the black strands of her hair, his fingers savouring the touch like he knew every inch of her already. They moved closer, their breath now warm on each other's lips. Seren closed her eyes. But Rob watched her face. He knew the moment he closed his eyes and kissed her, there would be no going back. He took one last moment before he knew he would love her completely and then closed his eyes tightly shut.
He guided his lips to hers softly. She was trembling underneath his touch. She was entirely submissive, allowing him to pull her towards him. There was a muffled urgency in his kiss that she noticed as he wasted no time in parting his lips. Hers moved with his, and the warm wet feeling of his tongue entered her mouth. She moved with it, feeling electricity surge down her spine. Every thought, every inhibition seemed to melt away as his arm came around her waist and their bodies were fully aligned. Her arms wrapped around his neck she submitted herself over to his kiss entirely and wished never to let him go. Rob felt the sweetness of her breath, a mixture of beer and something else. But it was heady, like nothing he had tasted before and he breathed it in with each movement. All too soon the kiss became dangerous. One more move and it would go too far. Rob knew it as he moved his hand slowly down her back and felt the strap of her bra underneath her dress. He imagined himself taking it off, and felt the usual stirrings of a man begin. Seren's hands rested on his torso, and he wondered if she had noticed what was happening. Suddenly he was aware of everything around them, and slowly he pulled away. She placed two solitary kisses on him before he looked down.
"What?" She breathed, her lips fuller from the hardness of the kiss. "What's the matter?"
Rob smiled wryly. "Nothing it's just....I don't want you to get into something before it's right."
She almost laughed. "Really?" And then she was touched at his sentiment. She'd never met anyone who'd wanted to make love, instead of have sex. All the boys on the commune were horny and ready to lay down with anyone willing to have them. Virtue was an afterthought. Not with everybody, but with the few Seren had encountered. Rob's thoughts wondered back to Nina, the girl he had left back in London before breaking up with her. She'd been the only one to ever hold a place in his heart. And none of their kisses had ever compared to this.
"Or I could just take you over to the bed and fuck you right now. It's your choice." Rob said, looking over towards the door to the bedroom.
Seren giggled and finished the last of her beer. "Choices...Choices."

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