Tuesday 18 October 2011

Chapter Thirteen - Interruptions & Propositions

There was a vibration from somewhere. Beating against their skin. Rob looked down at their bodies which were still side by side. Unaccustomed to the sensation, Seren jumped.
"What the hell is that?!" She proclaimed.
As she moved away it became clear that it wasn't Rob's phone. Digging into her pocket she picked up the cell phone she had no idea to use. And then felt stupid for not remembering it vibrated. She looked up at Rob was waiting for her to answer it.
"I don't...I mean, I can't remember..." She handed it to Rob who pressed the button she was looking for.
He politely went over to the window and whispered that she could use the bedroom to take her call. She didn't want to take it, but couldn't ignore the name which had flashed up on the screen.

"Mom." She sighed, walking into the bedroom slowly, unwillingly.
"Serendipity! You got a phone!" The voice exclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah, can't live here without one, apparently."
She could hear the voices of the commune in the hum behind her Mother's voice and a pang of longing began to stir within her. But only for a moment. And then it passed.
"I would have called sooner but we only just got here and checked my messages."
"That's ok. How is everyone?"
In the distance she could hear her Mother's name being called. Greta....Where's the bottled water?!
But she ignored them. "Yeah. All present and correct. Leon is already talking about leaving, but Caleb and Ezra seem to like it here."
She flinched at the thought of Ezra. "I miss you all." And once she said it, she realised it was true.
"We miss you. But you're a city girl now. Well, for as long as you want to be."
It could have been easy at that moment to throw the towel in and follow her family down to Jacksonville. If it weren't for the man waiting for her in the other room.
"Mom...It's kinda a bad time. I'll have to call you back tonight."
There was a moment's hesitation on the end of the line. "Oh." Said Greta. "Your brothers wanted to say Hi."
And there it was again. That old pull towards them tainted with resentment.
"I want to say Hi to them too, but I have a really important meeting in, like, 30 seconds and I need to be ready."
"Oh! Of course...Sorry. Call me later!" Greta said, retracting all bad feeling.
It was a sad thing to have to lie. But Seren knew the bombardment of questions if she told the truth would keep her even longer from Rob. She said a quick goodbye before returning to the other room.

He was swigging beer by the window, absently staring out across the city. He only turned when she appeared in the doorway.
"Sorry." She apologised. "I haven't spoken to my family since they dropped me off here."
"You didn't have to cut the conversation short on my account." He told her, sincerely.
"It's ok, three of my brothers wanted to talk to me I would have been here all night." She joked.
But Rob didn't flinch. "Well, that would have been ok." He winked.
Reality had come crashing down around them, and only the memory of that kiss remained. It was as if it had happened to someone else, something she had watched but not been a part of. But she knew that wasn't true as she still felt it there on her lips.
"My family were the same when I first moved out here. Especially my Mum. But they get used to it. Quicker than you do, really."
Seren raised an eyebrow. "Where do you live? Certainly not in a hotel."
Rob laughed, gesturing towards the clothes laid out on the bed behind Seren. "I live out of that suitcase. Haven't quite figured out that part yet."
"You're like me." She said, smiling. And when he thought about it, she was right.
He had no fixed abode. They had come coliding together even though their lives had gone in completely different directions. For the first time, Rob had no real home. For the first time, Seren finally had one.
"I suppose so. Except my commune is nice hotels." He joked.

The evening grew darker, but neither of them noticed. Both lost in conversation, Rob knew he would never tire of hearing her speak. He watched the way her mouth moved when she spoke. And she loved the way he played with his hair when he got nervous. Neither of them noticed when the lights of the city spurred to life. It felt like they had known eachother forever. Seren eased into his company like someone she'd always known, and he seemed to feel comfortable with her.
"I have something to ask you." He finally said, after hours of putting it off.
Seren was sat in the chair opposite him, her legs tucked up underneath her.
"You can say no." He said.
Seren smiled sarcastically. "I know that." She chimed.
Rob nodded. " I was thinking you could come to the set again tomorrow. Not just to hang out. I know this is what you want to do and I've done nothing but dominate your time since you got here, so I thought you could come and do some work as an extra or something. Being executive producer has some perks. If you want to. I know you need to do things your way. I just thought....why not take full advantage of this chance meeting we had. And if nothing else comes of it, at least you'll have that experience."
He seemed genuine when he said it. But she was afraid to accept his offer.
"That's the most amazing thing anyone has ever said to me." She lamented. "I've already had some extraordinary experiences since I got here."
"Think about it. You don't have to say yes straight away."
But she knew she would be insane to say no. She wanted to strive to make the best of things here. But what if she didn't have to? What if this beautiful, shy, witty and sensual man had come into her life for reasons other than the obvious?
"I would have to be insane to say no." She told him. "Of course I accept. I'm just not sure I'll do the job any justice."
Rob guffawed. "Don't doubt yourself now, not when you've come so far. Left everything behind. You'll be great."
Seren cracked open another beer and thought about it. She would have to make it work. It was more than she could have hoped for. A job offer!
"Where do I sign?" She said raising her bottle slightly in mock celebration.
Rob's smile was dazzling. He slipped off his chair and came over to her, his long arms resting on the arms as he leaned down. Without hesitating he kissed her, and this time there was no fear. She wrapped her arms around his neck and allowed him to pull her up out of the chair. On her tip toes, she leaned up towards his face and kissed him more. He nuzzled her face to the side and moved his lips down onto her neck. That electricity shot through her again, only with more urgency this time. She felt his hands around her thighs as he pulled her up. She wrapped her legs around him and let him carry her. His lips never left that part of her neck that drove her crazy with every touch. She didn't give a moment's thought as he carried her into the bedroom. He dropped her onto the edge of the bed and stood before her. He wondered if he had been too bold, and faltered for a moment. He waited to see what she would do. She looked up at him, her eyes serious and piercing. She looked him up and down before staring at the part of him which was at her eye level. Grasping his belt buckle, she pulled him towards her. Excitement flared through him as she begin to pull the belt off. And then she stopped. He cupped her chin in his hand and without saying a word, reminded her that she could stop...if she wanted to. Trembling hands pulled his button fly apart to reveal the white material of his underwear. Underneath it she could already see the pulsing veins and contours of what awaited her. Her eyes widened and instinctively she moved back, pulling the zip of her dress down so that the straps fell around her shoulders. Rob climbed onto the bed, slipping the material of her long dress up her legs. He moved up her body, taking in every inch of her before returning to her lips. As he laid on top of her, she felt that part of him against her open legs. And though they were both fully clothed, it was obvious something had awoken inside of her. She felt the wetness and the hardness through the material, and gave herself over to him entirely. She helped him pull his shirt off. And the sensation of his skin against hers was more than she could take. She felt she would go mad if he didn't take her there, and then. His hands caressed her breasts, pulling her dress down to reveal her bra. He hesitated there for a moment, kissing her neck and moving his lips down towards her chest. She leaned her head back and urged him on. Never had she been struck by such passion. Never had it felt like this. Her mind was not detached, but fully participating. He would have removed her bra and gone further. But the knock at the door jolted them both. Half naked and breathing heavily, they looked at each other.
"Who is that?" Seren asked, almost hyperventilating.
Rob looked down at her, preoccupied by her breasts. " I don't care..." He breathed.
Then came a second, more pronounced knock.
"That's not room service."
Rob let out an exasperated groan and fixed his buttons back up and pulled his shirt back on. "Stay here. I'll go check."

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