Friday 23 September 2011

Chapter Seven - Late night & Twilight

India was incessant with her questions. What was he like? What did he say? Did she talk about her to him? Did he say anything back? Seren switched off from her cousin and turned her attentions to the bed she ached to climb into.
" You can't go to bed yet! This is too awesome for words!" India exclaimed, pulling out two wine glasses from the kitchen cupboard.
"I was travelling all day. Partying, and then stuck in an elevator. I haven't slept for almost 24 hours." She protested.
India's face fell. Seren thought she might have to endure another couple of hours but then she shrugged and put the wine glasses back.
"No, you're right. You must be exhausted. But you have to promise to give me details tomorrow!" She said, her enthusiasm never waning.
Seren rolled her eyes. "Ok, I'll tell you. But there's not much to tell so don't be disappointed."
But this didn't seem to matter to India. And in a strange way, Seren liked her unwavering energy. She wondered if the same thing would happen to her, once she had been living in the city a while longer. Her body was still in commune mode. Tomorrow would be her first real day on her own. It scared her and excited her at the same time. It couldn't have started with more of a bang. And not because she had spent the evening with a Hollywood star. But because she had met someone who had made her feel things she had never felt before. She knew it was true, as she slipped between the bedsheets and sighed heavily. There was only one person on her mind.

He was acutely aware of the size of the bed as he laid down on top of it, fully clothed. His ipod was playing Morrisey on repeat and the room was spinning. Rob's phone began to vibrate again but he didn't care. Throwing it across the bed, he felt stupid for not just saying the things he had meant to say and cursed the hotel for stealing the moment. He didn't even want to sleep there. But soon his eyes began to grow heavy, and he did sleep. Although he didn't know it, across the other side of Central Park, she slept too.

It was still dark when she opened her eyes. The street lamps outside glowed behind the curtains and for a moment, she forgot where she was. Her throat tickled for water, and after stumbling over her bags she finally found the lightswitch. Her eyes squinted as she took in the room. Her own room, for the first time in twenty two years. She still couldn't get her head around it. Tip-toeing to the kitchen, she took out a glass from the cupboard she had seen India go in earlier and ran the tap as quietly as possible. Then it hit her. The intense feeling she had felt only once before, for the first time that day. She began to remember things which had never happened and suddenly it dawned on her that she had dreamed about him. In the haze of her mind, Seren blushed as she remembered a sweet kiss which had never truly happened. Kisses always seemed to etheral in dreams. Like no matter how hard you tried, you would always feel the intensity of the kiss without feeling your lips touch at all. She tried to imagine his face as she had seen it that evening, but she couldn't picture it quite right. India's laptop sat on the coffee table in the living room. She'd used one a couple of times before after visiting Simeon at his house. He'd developed a love for all things electrical and had somehow managed to collect a wide variety of gadgets, some of which had no real use. But his laptop had been a source of entertainment for hours. She remembered the video's on youtube and he'd taught her how to use google. As the laptop whirred to life, she wondered if she cross that line. Would she regret what she was about to do? Thinking about him was all consuming. She just wanted to see his face. She typed his name into the search bar and held her breath. And there he was. His face smiling into the camera, flanked by a crowd behind him. She clicked on the image and almost wished she'd never bothered. It was one thing to be told who we was, what he did. But to see it for herself made it real. He really was A-list. Curiosity got the better of her and she clicked through a few more pictures. All of them tore at her heart. With the intensity of her dream still burning inside her, and the memories of their short time together.
Then one picture caught her eye. He was dressed smartly, his arm wrapped around a pretty brunette. He looked down on her protectively and longingly. She looked back up at him with the same warmth in her eyes. They looked entirely happy, entirely lost in each other. Underneath the picture was a caption. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart at the Twilight Premiere. He'd not said anything about her. He'd not said anything about any girl. Foolishly she wondered if he wasn't just trying to do her a nice favour by asking her to come to his film set. Perhaps she'd read the signals wrong. This girl looked like his girlfriend, in all the pictures she found of them together. Her heart sank. She slipped back to bed and pushed the dream, and the previous evening's events from her mind. She would never know his true kiss. And it bothered her that this bothered her until the sun began to rise, and finally she fell back to sleep.

As sunlight began to spill through the window, Rob opened his eyes to realise he'd forgotten to close the curtains. His ipod had died, and he was laid in last nights clothes on top of the ridiculously large bed. He was moving to another hotel today, and couldn't wait to get out. He went into the bathroom and rolled his eyes at the grandure. Was he meant to get used to this? He tried to ignore that niggling feeling in his stomach as he stepped into the hot shower. It felt as if he had forgotten something, like there was something missing. And then when he thought about being stuck in the elevator, the feeling went away. She was what was missing. And he knew he would search the city for her if she didn't come to him. Why hadn't he taken her number? Why hadn't she offered it to him? The fear that he'd read the signals wrong occured to him. He stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before switching the TV on absently and making a strong morning coffee. He noticed his phone on the bed, where he had thrown it the night before. 5 missed calls. 3 from his manager. 1 from his Mother. And 1 from Kristen. He checked the time difference, and hit the number he wanted to call back.
"Hey." She said, the busy sounds of a film set murmuring in the background.
"Hey, how's filming going?" Rob asked casually, making his coffee one handed.
"Long. Had to re-take this one scene like twelve times already."
Kristen was in Los Angeles, filming her next movie after the one which had propelled them both to stardom.
"How's the hair?" He joked, knowing she'd had to cut it short for her role.
"Fuck off." She said playfully. "How's New York?"
"Well, the hotel is a douchebag. If buildings can be douchebags. And I got stuck in the elevator for two hours after the electrics went down."
"Are you being serious?" Kristen asked, laughter in the edge of her voice.
"I know. But it was worth it."
Kristen sensed the soft edge to his voice. It was something they had come to know about each other, in the past 18 months. They'd gone through it together. The constant photography. The incessant insight into their lives. When it seemed they were alone, they found that they werent. But with it came the inevitable drawbacks. Ever since they had been interviewed together for Twilight there had been stories of them being a couple. They had laughed it off. But sometimes it wasn't funny.
"You so met a girl." Kristen teased. "Fangirl?"
Rob laughed out loud. "Complete opposite actually."
"She been hiding under a rock?"
"A hippy commune actually." Rob said.
Kristen fell into hysterical laughter until she realised he wasn't joking.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to laugh." She said, still fighting it off. "It's just...only you. Only you could get stuck in an elevator with the one girl who had no idea who you are!"
Fate, some would say. But Rob had never really believed in any of that. All he knew was that if he didn't see her again it would be the greatest regret of his life.
"So, what's with the late night phone call?" He asked.
Kristen hesitated. "I dunno really. Just seems weird you're not here to ruin my life."
He laughed at the sarcasm and wondered how it would feel for him, filming something new without her. She'd become his best friend in such a short space of time that he couldn't imagine his life without her in it now. She had been the first person he told about Seren. She had been the first person to know when he had broken up with his last girlfriend just after he arrived in America. The media could make of it what they would, he resigned to himself.
"Have you got the script for New Moon yet?" He asked, trying not to think about Seren too hard.
"Not yet. I had an email from the director though. He emailed us all, so you should probably check yours."
From behind her, Rob heard Kristen's name being called.
"I gotta go, Call me tomorrow." She said, before the line went dead.
Rob sighed and downed his milk warm coffee before deciding it would be a better idea to check out and get to his new hotel before doing anything else work related. If only for the reason he would only allow himself another hour of thinking about her before he drove himself insane.

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