Friday 23 September 2011

Chapter Eight - One more Day

The day was growing tiresome. India had managed to purchase the "essentials" for city living, excitedly, but Seren was overwhelmed. Her eyes grew wide at the sheer size of the buildings. Everyone rushing by, trying to get somewhere, be somewhere. It occured to her that the city didn't suit her as much as she didn't suit the city. But there was the prick of determination at the back of her mind that told her sometime soon they would see eye to eye.
"So, you like your cell phone?" India asked, breaking into Seren's thoughts.
"I have no idea what all those buttons are for." She confessed.
"It's a touch screen phone, Seren, It's minimalist buttons." India said sarcastically.
Seren shrugged. The entire shopping trip had been plagued by India's new found love of buying things she'd never had access to before. Part of the little girl Seren grew up with on the communes was still there, but the woman she'd grown into was determined to take full advantage of city life. She shuddered as she hoped that would never happen to her, but worried that somehow it would.
"Well, you're going to need something for people to call you on once you start getting jobs, or whatever they call them."
Seren suddenly felt the panic rise in her chest. " Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"Don't be silly. There's like thousands of actors in New York all you've got to do is slip yourself into their world and make sure you're better!"
"Is that all?" Seren replied dryly.
India rolled her eyes. "It's a walk in the park! Apparently."
Her analogy got Seren thinking about the one thing she'd been trying to forget. And it bothered her that she'd been putting so much effort in trying to forget. It didn't help that she'd been forced to give the "details" when all she'd wanted to do was try to erase his face from her mind. But during the course of the day, India had brought Rob up in conversation too many times.
"You could always call Rob up on your new phone!" She joked, as they crossed the street onto the block near the apartment.
"I don't have his number." Seren replied, almost regretfully. "Anyway, why would he want to help me?!"
India was philosophical. "Maybe he completely fell in love with you."
Seren sniggered. "He has a girlfriend. That Kristen girl."
India laughed, rubbing her hands together furtively. "Oh my god! Are you crazy? That's like the biggest debate of our time and you're on Team Robsten?!"
Seren cringed. "Robsten?"
"Yeah, it's what they call Robert and Kristen, for those who believe the hype. But there are those out there who take a more realistic approach. Apparently she had a boyfriend the whole time they were doing the Twilight movie. Personally, I'd say they were just good friends. Surely they'd have admitted it by now? There's SO much hype it would send anyone insane enough to just admit it! Oh my god....did he admit it to you? That Kristen Stewart is his girlfriend?"
Her excitement grew. She stopped Seren in the middle of the street, her expectant face flushing for the exclusive. She hated to disappoint her.
"No, he didn't say anything about her."
Frowning, they began to walk down the street until they reached the apartment. Taking out her keys, India turned to Seren and smiled.
"Well, he's still fair game then." She laughed.
Seren still didn't know what to believe. "I guess so."

He pushed open the door with an apprehensive shove. Kicking his bag inside, he closed his eyes and hoped he wouldn't have to move again. He was relieved. The room was more simple, with everything you would need without the extravagance. The high window overlooked SoHo.
"Do you hate it?" Asked Dean, dropping two bags in the doorway.
Rob shook his head. "I don't hate it."
Dean smiled. "I'll be back in an hour, do your thing."
Rob nodded towards his faithful bodyguard and decided to check what was going on in the bathroom. To his relief, he didn't hate that either. Perhaps it was too white, but there nothing too grand. Unpacking his clothes, he realised he hadn't brought enough underwear. As usual, it didn't bother him. He checked out the bed, it was soft and smelled like fabric softener. The wardrobe had more than enough hangers, and once he was done he sat next to the window and pulled out his guitar. Free time was so hard to come by, he almost didn't know what to do with himself. Strumming gently, his mind wondered back to the old hotel, to the broken elevator. He would have kissed her, he would have shown her exactly what he meant to say. Of course he wouldn't have. But in a perfect world, he'd have bitten the bullet. It irritated him more than anything that he had an entire day to wait until he would know if he would see her again. For an entire hour he sat, playing his guitar, wasting his thoughts on wondering. He barely had enough time to get changed when there was a knock on the door and Dean appeared, expecting him to be ready.
"There's something the matter with you." He remarked.
Rob ducked behind the wardrobe door and scanned his shirts before pulling a plaid one off the hanger and pulling it round his shoulders. He picked up his cell phone and jacket and made for the door.
"I'm fine." He said, gesturing Dean out of the room.
"Nick's waiting for you in the car. Shouldn't take too long to get there. Do you want to pick anything up on the way?"
Rob shrugged. " There'll be food at the studio, let's just get there."
Sat in the car behind blacked out windows was Rob's manager, Nick. A formidable man, that Rob hadn't entirely liked when they first met. Now he was like an uncle that always forgot your birthday but remembered when you needed to take an exam. He was like family, when there was no other around.
"Rob, you like the new hotel?" He asked, moving up so Rob could climb inside.
"Better than the last one." He said, slamming the car door.
They tried to keep a low profile but blacked out windows always caused a stir. As they made their way to the studio Nick handed him a pile of papers.
"What's this?" He asked.
Nick looked pleased with himself. "Scripts. I thought you'd like this one. Take a look tonight, If you want to do it we'll make it happen."
Rob eyed the title on the front page. "Bel Ami." He mused.
Nick raised an eyebrow. "It's an adaptation."
"I've read the book." Rob said, his interest sparked. "I can do it after Eclipse."
"Aren't you even going to read the script?" Nick asked, amused.
Rob shrugged. "I loved the book."
"Still..." Said Nick. "Read some of the script. Let me know. They're filming in Europe. I thought you'd like that."
There was always that nervous tripidation before going to a studio. He knew the audience would be in high spirits. And it didn't really bother him, it was always much better than having a room of lack lustre people. But he wondered if he would ever get used to the attention.
"Filming starts tomorrow." Nick said, his eyes hidden under raybans.
"Yeah, Central park." Rob replied, genuinely excited.
"Expect there to be crowds, you can't keep them down. They're psychic i'm sure." Nick joked, as they pulled into the studio.
But it didn't matter to him. As long as she came.

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