Wednesday 31 August 2011

Chapter Three - Casting off the shackles

"What the hell are you doing?" India inquired, as Seren crouched over the bath tub.
Trying to juggle the shower head and rinse the dye from her hair without getting it in her eyes was no mean feat. But as the water began to run clear she flicked began to fumble blindly for the towel.
"Here." Said India, handing it to her. "Why the change?"
The startling black was a shock to her, as she looked in the mirror. She'd always been blonde. It had never faded, even as she grew older.
"New life, new hair." She sighed, rubbing it dry until she was irritated with it and decided to let it dry naturally.
India handed her the hair dryer. "You're going to need this."
But Seren stared at it flatly. She'd never used one before. "Why?"
"Because I have this thing I have to go to, and you're coming with me!"

Seren's first instinct was to object. The city was a stranger to her, and it was almost 10.30 at night. Wasn't 10.30 more of a time to go to bed?
"This is the city that never sleeps." India said, throwing items from her wardrobe onto the bed. "And it would be a shame not to show case the new hair!"
Seren could feel every bone in her body ache for sleep. It had been a long and emotional day. There was so much to think about, to try and make sense of. She hadn't even unpacked.
"Please Seren? It would mean alot to me if you came. It's kinda like this afterparty thing my boss invited me to. There's free drinks, and we can get a cab right there and back. No big deal, I promise!"

There had been a few parties back at the communes before. The older ones would sit and drink the black stuff and smoke joints until their eyes rolled into the back of their heads. It hadn't looked much fun. But maybe parties in New York were different.
"Well, where is it?" She asked, trying not to show too much interest.
"It's at the Hotel Plaza Athenee. It's just one block from here. I need to show my face, talk my boss up to some people and then leave. Seems a shame not to take advantage of the free bubbly. You know that stuff can cost more than a hundred bucks a pop?!"

Somehow, Seren found herself in one of India's little black dresses and in the back of a cab. It was as she had suspected. Parties in New York were different. Any sniff of a joint in this place and all hell would break loose. It was a black tie event. And little swarms of people stood dotted all around the lavishly decorated room. This was more luxury than Seren had ever seen in her life. It was strange to see her cousin so at home amongst these people. And yet it was plainly obvious she was not one of them. But with her hair tied up loosly with red tendrils flowing down her back, she had earned her spot amongst the rich and beautiful. Seren admired her. But didn't wish it for herself. She stood back and let India do her thing. The champagne certainly looked expensive, but when she took a sip the taste was too bitter and dry.
"I'm just going to find the bathroom." She said over India's shoulder, unsure if she actually heard her.
The lobby was full of people checking in or out, arriving to the party or leaving the party. The signs for the bathroom were nowhere to be found, and everyone who looked like they might know where they were stood engaged in important conversations, or rushed around too fast to be stopped.

"I don't really like the hotel...."
Stepping back, Seren moved behind one of the marble pillars.
"No...of course not. I understand that but..."
The man was standing alone, and certainly not a VIP. Dressed in jeans and a hoodie, he looked as lost as she felt.
"I don't mind staying here a few more days...No, I don't want an upgrade! That's what I'm talking about! Somewhere...less..."
His accent was the first thing that struck her. Not New York. Not even American.
"This is too much. I can't stay here the whole shoot. Please sort it out for me? Ok...bye."
Peering out from behind the pillar she watched as the man walked away. He bowed his head and walked through the crowds that were gathering around him. The crowds were starting to bother her too. They were loud and drunk, and their faces were jovial, but unkind. She sensed the vibe of the room, and none of it was real. These people were there to network. Nothing else. These important conversations they were having, they all meant nothing outside the office.

"It's all bullshit." India said, coming up from behind with another glass of the disgusting champagne in her hand.
Seren took it from her politely. "I thought I'd lost you for a minute there, I thought you said you were going to the bathroom?"
Seren shrugged. "I couldn't find it."
"You have to take the elevator. You could use the bathroom down here but you'll probably have pissed your pants by the time you get in there the line is practically out the door."
She pointed to a group of women standing against a wall in the far corner. They looked uncomfortable, but still they wouldn't let go of their gross champagne.
"Which floor do I need?"
India smiled. "There's a ladies room on the first floor, I'll meet you back in there, ok?"

Leaving her drink on a table next to the entrance, Seren made her way through the people towards the elevators. There were three of them. She couldn't decide which one to call, so she pressed them all and waited in the middle. When the one at the furthest end sprung open, she had to run to catch it, slamming her hand against the door which was already closing.
"Damn it!" She whispered, pulling her hand back and realising there was already a mark forming across her palm.
"This one's already done that to me twice." Said a voice she had heard before.
She looked up. It was the English man.

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